Although Fox News obsesses about (Democratic) voter fraud, the subject somehow never arose during Chris Wallace’s lengthy interview yesterday with Indiana Republican Governor Mitch Daniels. Even though Indiana’s Republican Secretary of State, Charlie White – the man in charge of voting integrity – had just been convicted of multiple counts of felony voter fraud. Even though Daniels had considered re-appointing White if the charges were reduced to a misdemeanor (they weren’t). And even though allegations have recently surfaced that Indiana’s Republican Senator Dick Lugar’s voter registration lists him at an address he moved from in 1977. And if all that wasn’t enough to pique Wallace’s voter-fraud curiosity, you’d think that White’s recent accusation that Daniels’ own voter registration doesn’t match his domicile would. But no.
Daniels, who has been talked about as a potential GOP savior in 2012, got nearly 10 minutes on Fox News Sunday to attack President Obama and talk up the current GOP candidates. For the record, Daniels said unequivocally that there is no chance he’ll get into the race. Predictably, Wallace asked Daniels questions that gave him an opportunity to attack Obama over high gas prices. There was also much discussion about the economy and unions.
But not a word about White’s comments to Fox News’ voter-fraud guy, Eric Shawn, during an interview on February 5, 2012. White said, at about 4:45, in the first video below, “Mitch Daniels has voted incorrectly, according to the standards put on by me, the last 10 straight elections, under the constitution of the state of Indiana… He votes down at the Governor’s Mansion where everyone knows he does not live. The local media will not talk about this.” Shawn did not follow up on that accusation.
What are the chances of such amnesia during an interview with a Democratic governor, if the Democratic Secretary of State had recently been found guilty and made similar accusations against the governor? I report, you decide.
The first video below is the 2/5/12 interview with Shawn and White. The second is Wallace and Daniels on 2/26/12.
How many people helped protected O’Keefe?
How many people were involved with Indiana?
Every GOP electorate in Maine was involved with that Washington County stunt, so I don’t need to ask.
If Sewell’s still creeping, he might be proud to know that his mostly Republican city council not only got caught committing voter fraud, but they were using illegal immigrants that they threatened ti deportation if they didn’t vote of voted Dem.
Want me to keep naming instances off?,0,3252644.column?track=rss
I would LOVE- just LOVE- to see Fox News explain why at least five states (Florida, Indiana, Maine, Minnesota, and New Hampshire) are giving Republicans who have to be persecuted sentences that aren’t even a slap on the wrist by any definition.
Go for it, Ailes! (grabs popcorn)
Bleh, I’m going to bed- my head feels like someone’s poking around with a spear in it. If I can think of anything to add when I’m more lucid, I’ll be back.
Besides, FoxNoise is the place Republicons go to be treated with kid gloves and given birthday cake—not to be treated like a Democrat.