It wasn’t until the end of her rant against the left that Fox’s Martha MacCallum tacitly acknowledged that Bill Barr’s devastating testimony against Donald Trump was extremely credible.
MacCallum was part of a large panel that spun today’s January 6 hearing during a break in the proceedings. She, alone, worked a heck of a lot of MAGA talking points into less than a minute and a half of commentary before she implicitly endorsed Barr’s comments.
The New York Times noted that at one point in his videotaped interview played during today’s hearing, Barr “could not control his laughter at the absurdity of the claims that the former president was making.” Barr said, “I was somewhat demoralized, because I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has lost contact with — he’s become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff.”
That raises the question as to why Barr, as well as others in Trump’s inner circle who expressed similar views during today's hearing, didn’t come forward publicly when it might have made a difference. A president “detached from reality” and giving preference to the ravings of a drunken Rudy Giuliani over his top advisers is an obvious danger to the public.
But for MacCallum, the big takeaway was how Barr had just exposed the evils of the left!
But first, MacCallum praised her network’s early call that Joe Biden had won in Arizona. She said that as the call was laid out by her former colleague, Chris Stirewalt, in the hearing today, “You know just how thoughtful that process was.” She failed to mention that Stirewalt was fired in a MAGA purge not long after making that call.
Then she got to Barr:
MACCALLUM: Now, remember, there was a long period of time when Bill Barr was the attorney general when he was beaten up daily on other networks, by other commentators, for being in President Trump's back pocket because he believed that the Russia collusion hoax was just that.
And that he believed that the perpetuation of a notion that the president was illegitimately elected - I looked back in an article in The Washington Post where Hillary Clinton did an interview. She said that President Trump was illegitimate and that he had stolen the election. And that Americans across the country knew that and were aware of that and felt the same way, right?
So, Bill Barr pushed back on that notion. He felt that the Russia collusion hoax had been largely fabricated and perpetuated with the help of the media, essentially.
FACT CHECK: Barr misrepresented what was in the Mueller report. It was one of many dubious decisions and actions that made him look more like a Trump toady/attorney than the nation’s.
But yeah, let’s make Trump’s dangerous lies and assault on democracy about Hillary Clinton! Better than acknowledging the roles Fox played in amplifying the Big Lie – or the multibillion-dollar lawsuits that followed, eh?
MacCallum continued:
MACCALLUM: So then, when Bill Barr equally calls it as he sees it, as we see him doing in this situation, where he says he couldn't find any evidence that there was any reason to think that this election had been stolen or was illegitimate, he comes across as someone who is evenhanded, who weighs evidence in a way that he has done his entire career as the only person who has served as attorney general twice. So, I think it should cause a reflection on some of the judgments made on Bill Barr over the course of his service.
What MacCallum was essentially saying here is that Barr’s searing testimony against Trump was entirely trustworthy and persuasive. But rather than have the courage to state that clearly and honestly, she buried it in a load of malicious, anti-left rhetoric.
This comes from the woman Fox insists represents “ultimate journalistic integrity and professionalism.”
You can watch the Fox News “integrity” and “professionalism” below, from its coverage of the June 13, 2022 January 6 committee hearing.