Things threatened to get physical tonight on The O’Reilly Factor.
It happened during Kirsten Powers’ regular hit with Monica Crowley on The Factor, following Bill O’Reilly’s Talking Points commentary. In tonight’s commentary, O’Reilly fear mongered about the left’s tactics in the upcoming presidential election. He claimed that the left is “furious” because President Obama is (supposedly) perceived as “kind of a failure” and “many Americans are turning away from Secretary Clinton.”
O’REILLY: Committed liberals are so angry right now, so furious that things are not going their way and their standard bearers are losing respect, they’re going to attack in unprecedented ways. The smear websites already gearing up. And if the right wing replies in kind, the presidential race of 2016 will be the ugliest in American history. Get ready.
Both Powers and Crowley disagreed with O’Reilly’s premise. Powers questioned where the fury was to be seen. But, Donald Trump-like, O’Reilly refused to say. “If you don’t know it’s there, I can’t tell you. This is a fact,” O’Reilly insisted.
Then he began mocking Powers.
O’REILLY: What are you, Little Bo Peep tonight? …You’re acting like Little Bo Peep tonight. …"Where is it? I don’t see it.”
That’s when Powers struck back. Figuratively, that is, from Fox’s Washington bureau.
POWERS: I am not acting like Little Bo Peep and I really wish I was sitting there so I could just punch you in the face. But I can’t. It’s why you keep me down here.
O’Reilly laughed. “You’re not alone, Powers. There’s a line… Get to the back of the line, there’s 50,000 people.”
“I will pay top dollar to get to the front of that line, Bill,” Powers shot back.
Crowley, in the studio with O’Reilly, said she’d punch O’Reilly on Powers' behalf, “for a small fee.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” O’Reilly roared.
Everybody was smiling, thank goodness.
I love Powers’ gumption but I have to admit, I get a little queasy when people talk about throwing punches.
Watch it below, from tonight’s The O’Reilly Factor and let me know what you think.
BTW, damn you Aria, for making me sit through 9:18 of Fox propaganda to try and figure out what you meant (don’t worry, I’ll get over it!)
“Polls don’t matter — the only poll that matters is on Election Day.”
And the corollary to the above rightwingnut dictum:
“Polls don’t matter — until we find one that has US in the lead.”
As if the right wing hasn’t been leading the way with negative attack ads for decades already.
Hillary seems to be kicking all of your Republican candidates asses Bill. If you look closely, she’s been doing it for a long time, and in some cases she is widening the lead over some of your contenders.
It seems that maybe you, Bill O’Reilly, are the one who is angry about the upcoming election given that you have used your “talking points memo” to exclusively bash Hillary, Democrats, Liberals, Lefties, and anyone who dane’s to disagree with your “opinion.”
What does that say about your Republican candidates approval ratings if they are being beaten badly by someone the country feels is not honest or trustworthy?
I wonder if, as a journalist(LOL mocking), you will spend any time delving into why the country thinks so little of the candidates you, Bill O’Reilly, think so highly of?
PS I’m sure Kirsten Powers knows all to well what happens to women who raise there voice or take a swipe at you Bill. There is a very clear pattern of behavior that you project toward women, or “inferior gender” as you might call them!
Freakin’ project much, BOR? These above descriptions that BOR placed on liberals fit him and his right-wing cohorts (and have fit them during Bush’s last term and entirety of Obama’s Presidency). There has been unprecedented attacks on Obama (and now Hillary) coming from BOR, his network and others on his side of the political spectrum – yet BOR hasn’t written a talking point dedicated to calling out the “committed” conservative right for its anger, smear websites, etc. And, although it took him a long time to get there, BOR eventually said that he didn’t like the way Bush handled Iraq and that the war was a mistake. But he certainly did not direct a similar tongue-lashing at or play video clips of those who angrily defended Bush and his admin.
Whether it’s because he’s too scared of the right-wing to call them out the way he does the left or if it’s because his political leanings really are aligned with the GOP and he doesn’t want to do harm to the party, last night’s biased screed showed that Mr. “Fair & Balanced” is willing to overlook the vicious bullsh!t on the right to focus solely on the left.
We all know that this Presidential campaign is going to get ugly. However, what jumped out at me in BOR’s rantings last night is that he just laid out the premise for the folks that, if (when) the GOP/right-wing gets nasty in this upcoming Presidential race, it’s only because the left supposedly started the ugliness first. My goodness, how convenient! BOR is already setting it up to make excuses for and justify any nastiness from the right because, you know, liberals. I hope the GOP appreciates all the advance PR and damage control that BOR is doing for them in this upcoming campaign.
As to Kirsten, she doesn’t need to go there (as wanting to punch someone in the face is stooping to BOR’s juvenile and unprofessional level). I understand her frustration because BOR was most certainly going out of his way to paint a trumped-up picture of the “angry” left yet was unwilling to back up his “anger” argument with any actual examples. Even Monica wasn’t buying what he was trying to sell which really made BOR look pretty silly. Besides, how hysterical is it to hear the most angry, aggrieved man on cable news teevee prattle on about someone else’s alleged anger? I mean, seriously, BOR? LOL! Stay above it, Kirsten – stick with the facts and just keep calling BOR out on his bullsh!t.
In other words, when you control an ENORMOUS portion of what Americans, see, hear and read daily like Herr Goebbels II does, you also control how they THINK AND BEHAVE! Just for everyone’s benefit, here is a link that shows just how ENORMOUS Herr Goebbels II’s media empire is:
I understand your point and agree that a reaction in kind may be awfully tempting.
However, the whole point of the non-violent approach to protest is to avoid being suckered into reacting with violence. A violent reaction is precisely what the people on Fox are wanting to provoke so that they can claim “the lefties are doing it, too!” or “they did it first!”
Dear Ellen and Bemused: with all due respect, mj DOES have a legitimate point. It would NOT surprise me one damn bit if mAnn Coulter and Andrea Tantaros both flunked physics in high school, because these perennially AIRHEADED loudmouthed b**ches obviously are TOO DAMN STUPID to realize the fact that human nature is VERY SIMILAR to the fundamental law of physics:
In the same way, you can only push a group of people around for so long before they start PUSHING BACK!
What one person may say in anger or in jest has all too often become an invitation to another, less balanced person to actually do it.
Meh — Ellen, I figure it this way:
When you have Crazy Annie Coulter saying the “most effective way to talk to liberals . . . is with a baseball bat”,
and Andrea Tantaros telling people on her radio call-in show to “do me a favor . . . if you see any of those people (Obama supporters), punch them in the face”,
I’d say these wingnuts are due for a little get-back . . .
Don’t you wish you were a fly on the wall when Billy and his now ex-wife Mo battled it out in their Long Island mansion.
TRANSLATION: “Like my successful boycott of France as reported in the Paris Business Review, the fury exists only in my mind.”
Huh? I don’t get it. Let me see if printing the nursery rhyme will make any sense of O’Reilly’s statement.
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep/
And doesn’t know where to find them./
Leave them alone, and they’ll come home/
Wagging their tales behind them.
Okay. Still doesn’t make a lick of sense. (Not even with the additional verses I found at the Wiki entry on the rhyme.)
Anyone know of a nursery rhyme that actually fits O’Reilly’s “Where is it? Don’t see it” hissy fit?