“As a woman of faith, as a mother… I never lied,” Kayleigh McEnany lied on Sunday.
For at least the second time, Kayleigh McEnany lied about her lies. Speaking of her time as White House press secretary she said this:
MCENANY: There was the question, will you ever lie to us? I said without hesitation, “No,” and I never did. As a woman of faith, as a mother of baby Blake, as a person who meticulously prepared at some of the world’s hardest institutions, I never lied. I sourced my information, but that will never stop the press from calling you a liar.
Which is why my Dad said, “Kayleigh, you’ve got to come up with a motto for your press shop" and I did. And our motto was this: “Offense only,” because I knew what we were up against.
Republicans always get the bad headlines, always get the false stories, always get the lies, if I can use that word, told by the press. There is one standard for Democrats and another for Republicans and we must be on offense – confident, bold and willing to call it out. We cannot be silent.
#LyingKayleighMcEnany said those words to the friendly audience at a Turning Point USA summit. But anyone with an objective idea of truth knows this was just another one of her whoppers. Not only that, it’s a whopper she previously said on Fox News after she was hired there. My March 3, 2021 post ran down just some of McEnany’s dishonesty.
Actually, McEnany lied several times in that same, remarkably short press briefing [in which she promised never to lie]. As I have previously reported, Fox’s own Neil Cavuto cut away from her November 9, 2020 press briefing, saying, “I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this,” as she baselessly accused Democrats of welcoming voter fraud and illegal voting.”
Media Matters wrote:
Much like her fellow Trump lackeys, McEnany “lies the way that most people breathe,” including in absurdly shameless moments like when she defended Trump’s indefensible lie that COVID-9 affects “virtually nobody,” or when she lied that Trump never downplayed the pandemic, despite a public tape of Trump doing exactly that at length. On virtually any topic, there are examples of McEnany bending, avoiding, or outright subverting the truth in absolute service to Trump -- exactly the outlook that is foundational to Fox News.
Raw Story has more examples of her lies and notes that most of her statements reviewed by PolitiFact were either mostly false, false, or "pants on fire" false. None of McEnany's statements PolitiFact reviewed were determined to be true.
You can watch McEnany lie about her lies again below, from a June 13, 2021 video, via Raw Story.
(H/T reader Eric Jefferson)