In his weekly Watters World segment on The O’Reilly Factor, ambusher and Fox Nation editor Jesse Watters aired a video chronicling his visit to Green Festival in New York City. It just so happened that Fox’s favorite African American target (after Barack Obama and Louis Farrakhan), Van Jones was there. Watters ambushed Jones, got some video of their chat, and was booted from the convention. Back in the studio, Watters insisted to a skeptical Bill O’Reilly that Jones had said “Republicans want to poison children” and that it’s on tape. And yet, somehow that didn’t make it into the video.
In the studio discussion, Watters told O’Reilly, “You know what (Jones) actually said? He said the EPA has saved more American lives than the Department of Defense. And that Republicans want to poison children.”
O’Reilly sounded incredulous. “Jones said the Republicans want to poison children? …Now wait a minute. This guy was actually working in the Obama administration. He actually said the Republican Party wants to kill children?”
“We have it on tape,” Watters assured him.
“Alright, I want to see that tape on Reality Check on Monday,” O’Reilly replied.
So do we, Bill.
Turn the tables on Intern Jesse. If you encounter the boy, ask him these critical questions. We can guarantee you that that segment will not air on Fox “News” Channel.
1. How do you feel working for a company involved in phone hacking?
2. Should Rupert Murdoch step down as CEO of News Corporation?
3. Why is Fox “News” not covering the News Corporation hacking scandal?
4. Should the News Corporation Board of Directors fire Rupert Murdoch?
5. Why is Roger Ailes covering up for Rupert Murdoch?
Ask Intern Jesse those questions, and the boy will run from you like a frighten child.
But no footage was really shown of this. I’d be curious if the Greens have their own footage of Watters being obnoxious and annoying people to the point that the event organizers figured out he was there to disrupt and obstruct.
OTOH all of this was really just a childish affair. A more serious matter came before this segment, when O’Reilly interviewed Sara Carter as though she was a legitimate journalist about border issues, rather than a gossip monger about right wing talking points on the border. He never mentioned her championing the Ramos and Compean story, which has resulted in her credibility being ruined among anyone actually paying attention to the real issues happening on our borders.
“Ok, we’ll give you four and a half days to turn it over, and no question if it sounds off, or doesn’t match his lips!” -Bill.