Mike Huckabee announced tonight that this was his last night hosting the Huckabee show on Fox. The reason, of course, is his contemplated presidential run. However, chances are that if he does run, he’ll merely substitute his paid gig for free publicity.
We’ve written repeatedly about how Huckabee has used his Fox News perch to advance his potential candidacy. We, along with others, have thought it was unethical for Fox to keep Huckabee on its payroll while he was making such obvious presidential maneuvers. So better late than never, I guess.
At the end of tonight’s show, Huckabee announced, “Tonight, I’m gonna do more than just say goodnight. I’m gonna say goodbye.”
From Huckabee’s announcement:
It has been the ride of a lifetime and I’ve never had so much fun in my life.
…But I also realized that God hasn’t put me on earth just to have a good time or to make a good living. But, rather, God’s put me on earth to try to make a good life.
There’s been a great deal of speculation as to whether I would run for president. And if I were willing to absolutely rule that out, I could keep doing this show. But I can’t make such a declaration. Now I’m not gonna make a decision about running until ate in the spring of 2015. But the continued chatter has put Fox News into a position that just isn’t fair to them. Nor is it possible for me to openly determine political and financial support to justify a race.
The honorable thing to do at this point is to end my tenure here at Fox.
Huckabee stressed that he has not decided whether or not he will run yet. “My timetable is still just what it was before: later this spring,” he said. But, he added, “I agree with Fox that this is the right thing and now is the right time.”
But just because Huckabee is off the payroll doesn’t mean he can’t benefit from Fox News’ political machine:
Now, I’m not gonna disappear and I’ll probably make guest appearances on Fox. I hope so. But no longer as a member of the staff.
…So, that’s it for the Huckabee show. I say good-bye but as we say in television, stay tuned. There’s more to come.
Fox’s revolving door of Republican candidates turns again.
Watch it below, from tonight's Huckabee.
Graphic credit: DonkeyHotey via photopin cc
And his stepping down from his FOX “news” gig also very conveniently allows him to start his book tour. Just 4 days after publicly announcing that he was giving up his FOX “news” show, he pimped his book on a taping of The Jim Bakker (the PTL crook) Show. His FOX “news” viewer base will automatically buy his book so now he’s got to get the rest of America to purchase it (with release date timed to be the same day as Obama’s State of the Union speech). Btw, his new book is titled, “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy”. I can’t think of a more predictable and unimaginative name for a Huckabee book. Bwaaah!
A clear indication is the number of appearances a candidate makes on this fraudulent “news” outlet.
If Hucky was smart he would not run for office. The backroom deal has been sealed, and you will see first-hand who the insiders are supporting. We already know who they are supporting.
It’s Gomer’s stab at the Scottie Brown shuffle…..run for office, lose the election and return to Fux Noise. Repeat as necessary.
If he does run and becomes the nominee he’ll win the typical red states in the South and Plain States but has no chance to win nationally since it’s unlikely he’ll win a majority of the needed key swing states.
I think his best chance is to be the VP nominee to used as insurance in case the Tea Party types are not happy about the top of the ticket.
The Fox “News” suits should give Hucky’s vacant time slot to Hannocchio, and hire a younger host to replace Hannocchio’s time slot since he can’t attract younger demos anymore.
And this isn’t even current, though I’m more than willing to contact this site, entirely to offer my remedy for that.