Fox News’ revolving door of Republican candidates and paid contributors has turned again with the news that losing Senate candidate Scott Brown will be returning to his Fox News gig with an appearance on Outnumbered next week.
As Media Matters explains, Brown's Fox career began after he lost his 2012 Senate race in Massachusetts. It offered quite a few perks for Brown's 2014 Senate race in New Hampshire:
Brown then used his Fox employment to collect a paycheck ($136,538) and position himself for another run for office, this time in New Hampshire. His Fox commentary sounded like campaign stump speeches, and he touted his ties to the state, claiming he had “long and strong ties to New Hampshire, you know, going back generations.” Brown even credited his Fox employment for motivating him to run for office the third time, stating that “being on Fox ... really charged me up to get involved again.”
When Brown finally became an official candidate in 2014 and formally left the network, Fox News still tried its hardest to bring him to victory. It aired an anti-Obamacare documentary that was so flattering to Brown that the campaign repeatedly screened it for voters. Fox hosts also parroted Brown campaign talking points, attacking his opponent Shaheen as “a rubber stamp for Barack Obama.”
As the Boston Herald noted, going back to Fox keeps Brown “in the public eye and on the radar should he decide that his political career isn’t over.”
Plus, the money isn’t bad, either.
Nice work if you can get it, especially if you’re a Republican.
Photo credit: DonkeyHotey via photopin cc
Pretty much the only thing he has going for them is that he’s… pretty, considerably faded from his Playgirl days, but still kinda hunky for a boring middle-aged married guy. That’s surely the rationale for putting him on “Outnumbered,” but I can’t imagine he strikes any sparks even there.