On the April 26, 2012 Your World, Michelle Malkin complained that Mitt Romney should not be calling President Obama a nice guy. Is there anything more ironic than the vicious, sneer-mongering sourpuss Malkin calling anyone else “not nice?”
Neil Cavuto asked her "You're saying the President is not a nice guy?"
"I judge him by his record,” Malkin sneered. “He (Romney) needs to deprogram those words from his mouth, because it is not just the Republican base that has come to realize that Barack Obama is far from a nice man. There have been many targets of the Obama administration that do not have ‘R's’ by their name. And these include victims from the Delphi non-union workers who were cut out of the UAW bailout to many independent inspectors general who’ve been run out of their jobs for telling the truth about corruption and lack of ethics over the last four years, to many whistleblowers in many agencies… chief among them of at the ATF, people who have nothing to do with partisan politics who've seen the viciousness and brutality of this administration in crushing both its political opponents and otherwise."
She continued, "Not only can you judge him by his record, but also by the people he associates himself with. People like big labor thug Jimmy Hoffa, who used the most vile language last Labor Day before he introduced Barack Obama in telling the rank and file of his union that they needed to… take these sons of blankety blank out (referring to the Tea Party). That's not the kind of language that nice people use, and Barack Obama said nothing about the comments."\
Cavuto said, "This always happens in a debate, in one of the Presidential debates, (candidates are told to) turn around and say something nice about your opponent… If you were to look at President Obama right now, say something nice."
Rather than be gracious, Malkin said contemptuously, "I don't have that compulsion because I know too much about this man… This is somebody who during the midterms in 2010 used the term ‘enemies who need to be punished’ to describe the Republican party."
Malkin’s mean-spiritedness seemed too much even for Cavuto. Rather than close with his customary "good seeing you," that he uses with guests he likes, Cavuto closed by saying, "Michelle, thank you very much."
(3/7/20 Update - video is no longer available)
Pick: Obama
Oh, wait. The “anchor babies” thing only applies to people who haven’t sworn loyalty to the reich-wing neo-con apparatchik.
Someone give her the bitch crown and tell her to go away- forever.
Oh, boo-freakin-hoo, Ms. Maglalang:
She continued, “Not only can you judge him by his record, but also by the people he associates himself with. People like big labor thug Jimmy Hoffa, who used the most vile language last Labor Day before he introduced Barack Obama in telling the rank and file of his union that they needed to⦠take these sons of blankety blank out (referring to the Tea Party). That’s not the kind of language that nice people use, and Barack Obama said nothing about the comments.”
“That’s not the kind of language that nice people use”
So Shellie, is
- Annie Coulter proposing poisoning a sitting Supreme Court Justice and assassinating a sitting US President
- Liz Trotta “joking” about assassinating “Obama – er, Osama . . . well, both if we could . . .”
- Glenn Beck wanting to “hunt” progressives and put poison in Rep. Pelosi’s wine
- numerous teabagger’s signs and cartoons portraying President Obama as a monkey
examples of “the kind of language that nice people use”??