Fox News “journalist” Harris Faulkner flaunted her MAGA bona fides during what purported to be a serious interview with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Faulkner was the guest host on today's Fox News Sunday, supposedly Fox's serious news show. Granted, Faulkner was not a Tucker Carlson clone but she made it clear she cared more about MAGA messaging than informing viewers.
For one thing, Faulkner challenged Klobuchar throughout the interview, which was quite a contrast to her following interview with Condoleezza Rice.
But Faulkner’s attempt to paint Putin-slobberer Trump as tough on Russia was nothing short of ridiculous. Faulkner has never struck me as the sharpest tool in the shed but she’s not stupid and she surely knows Trump’s pro-Putin record.
Nevertheless, while Klobuchar was talking about the international, united response against Russian president Vladimir Putin, Faulkner interrupted to gratuitously suggest that Putin would not have invaded had Trump still been in office. You’ll notice that Faulkner did not actually say so – because even she has to know that’s a load of BS. But she deliberately left her viewers with the impression that Trump’s dishonest boast was legit.
KLOBUCHAR: I have been actually heartened by the world leaders – from liberals to conservative are working together and the same thing is happening in our country. That’s how you stand up against this guy. He was betting, he was betting we were all going to be divided, that we had no way to come together and he’s seeing the opposite.
FAULKNER: Look, he was probably betting on something that former President Donald Trump brought up at CPAC, the largest gathering of conservatives last night. He was betting on the fact that Trump might still be the only one that wouldn't see an invasion on his watch. Have you seen this? Watch.
TRUMP: Under Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine. I stand as the only president of the 21st Century on whose watch Russia did not invade another country.
FAULKNER: Your reaction.
Faulkner describes herself as a “6-time Emmy Award Winning Journalist” but any journalist worth her salt would have at least noted that Trump was impeached for holding aid to Ukraine hostage in order to pressure Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky into providing political dirt on Joe Biden. And I think even Faulkner has to know somewhere that if Trump were still in office, he’d be cheering on Putin’s invasion (just like he already has). But no, the “journalist” who promoted on the air the “Let’s go, Brandon” slur of President Biden now suggested Trump’s comments were seriously legit.
I suppose it would not have been seemly for a U.S. senator to react by saying: "My reaction? I can't believe what a biased, dishonest load of hooey you just tried to pass off." I'm still holding out hope some Democrat (but probably not an office holder) will publicly call out Fox's propaganda mill. But Klobuchar had a good answer nonetheless.
KLOBUCHAR: I have real trouble with that. Because I was in Ukraine with Sen. McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham, stood on those front lines, and I will say, while Donald Trump was president, Russia remained in Crimea and there was still, of course, major problems in the Donbas region.
Secondly, it was Donald Trump that signed the agreement to bring the troops home from Afghanistan, So – and it is Donald Trump who recently praised – praised! – Vladimir Putin as being “a genius” and did the same thing throughout his presidency. So, yeah, I have problems with that.
But you know what? I don’t want to dwell on that right now. I want to dwell on ... with how we go forward, Democrats and Republicans, together. That means standing tall, showing who we support: Ukrainians [she showed off the Ukrainian flag pin next to her American flag pin] and making it very clear that we’re going to get them the aid and the help that they need.
Faulkner moved on to say she wanted to talk more about why President Biden “didn’t move faster.”
Well done, Senator.
You can watch it below, from the February 27, 2022 Fox News Sunday. The relevant part starts at about 6:03.
I mean, really!, this is denial of the undeniable, considering that Faulkner’s 180° reversal can easily be verified by going online for a few minutes. This BS does, however, work fine with Fox viewers because she’s saying what they WANT to believe, the facts be damned. Their faith in their alternate reality gives them comfort; they feel important, special, somehow “chosen” by a power that will destroy everybody else but them. Were I a TV producer, I’d be pleased to offer them refuge in a place where they can live without the benefits of science: no TV dinners, no tins, no kool-aid, no medicines, no running water, no central heating, no TV, no appliances of any kind, … People who refuse science should be allowed to live like Neanderthals. Right? So long as they respect my own freedom to live in today’s world.