Sean Hannity was obviously tickled pink about a Daily Show segment in which a cast of New Yorkers satirically begged him not to leave New York. It was actually a hilariously devastating critique of him. But, apparently Hannity's vanity trumped all. Tonight, he played excerpts from the video – but with the comic criticism edited out.
The point of The Daily Show video (the first video below is the full segment) was to mock Hannity’s intolerance and self-centered vanity in threatening to leave New York (some day) because his taxes are too high and he doesn’t like the gun laws or Gov. Andrew Cuomo. So The Daily Show put together a cast of New York “takers” so upset about losing such an important “maker” that they’re willing to remake New York the way they figure Hannity would like it. A cab driver offers to lose his accent, African Americans promise to stop wearing hoodies, gays pledge to marry the opposite sex, etc.
But Hannity included only the clips that made him look good: a pledge to rename all the streets in honor of Ronald Reagan, a subway that goes directly to his home and the cast of Jersey Boys (without the gay thing) musically pleading with him not to disappear “like Alan Comes.” However, lyrics including “vanity” and “far right insanity” were left in.
Hannity may be many things (a bigoted bully, hypocrite, liar, to name a few) but he’s not stupid. You can tell from the expression on his face at the beginning that he knew otherwise when he said, “Jon Stewart actually really likes me. You don’t believe me? Watch this!”
After he played the clip, Kimberly Guilfoyle gushed, “Isn’t that fantastic? A whole Broadway production… begging you to stay!”
“Begging me stay,” Hannity played along.
“What is your answer?” Guilfoyle said.
“I’m thinking about this,” Hannity said. “How about I invite Jon Stewart to move with me to Florida or Texas? …He’d have a better life.”
Don’t hold your breath, Sean.
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Vid Ed. – Fix what?
Kkklannity – You know, my latest video!
Vid Ed. – Your latest show?!
Kkklannity – No! The Stewart thingie!
Vid Ed. – You want I should ask John about it?!
Kkklannity – No! No! No! No! No! Just make me look good!!!
Vid Ed. – Ya want me ta morph your face?!
Kkklannity – No! Wait – can you do that?!
Vid Ed. – If you insist!
Kkklannity – OK! Maybe … Just make me look, you know, like a good guy …
Vid Ed. – Ya wanna wear a white suit an hat?!
Kkklannity – No! Make me friendly, sound nice …
Vid Ed. – Oh! Ya mean choppy choppy, right!
Kkklannity – Ya. Choppy choppy …
He wants people to like him. He will buy gifts for them so they can like him. This says a lot about his troubled life.
One thing Hannocchio hates is people talking negative about him on the air. He had this problem before he became a household name. If anyone said anything about him he would go ballistic. Profanity-laced words were not uncommon with him.
Hannocchio may be wealthy, but all the money in the world can’t cure his low self-esteem issues.
He also has skeletons in the closet that he desperately keeps hidden. If revealed, the states of Florida and Texas may rescind their offer for him to move there.
Prepare your popcorn and enjoy the coming attractions this year. It will feature sex, perversion, corruption and a famous conservative Republican who is really a fraud.