Sean Hannity hosted one of his hour-long specials Friday night (9/7/12) that – as usual – was little more than another excuse to bash Democrats. This time, Hannity purported to “expose” the “DNC lies and distortions" at the just-ended Democratic convention. But he undercut his own effort by not spending even one minute on independent fact-checking with a single Fox News “objective” reporter.
First up, Sarah Palin. Could there be anybody on the Fox News staff less credible in the role of fact checker than unwanted-at-her-own-party’s-convention Palin?
In her predictable way, Palin sneered about Obama that there was a “lack of enthusiasm, a lack of passion for this country, a lack of sincerity when it came to, for instance, his claims of supporting our troops.”
Next up, Dick Morris. If anyone could give Palin a run for “least credible pundit” on Fox, it’s Morris. This is the guy who called the Todd Akin scandal a “big plus” for Mitt Romney” Hurricane Katrina a “huge positive” for George W. Bush, and who has recently been arguing that Bill Clinton is only pretending to support President Obama’s re-election. But Morris was once again disingenuously introduced as “former Clinton advisor.”
Next, Hannity expressed his concern for “gutter politics” at the convention. So he trotted out conspiracy-theorist extraordinaire Monica Crowley. When we last saw Crowley on Fox, she was accusing President Obama of having a foreign policy strategy to “advance our enemies, to support them in ways that we can’t even imagine.” At least in this case, there was some attempt at balance by having liberal attorney Tamara Holder on with Crowley. But as Hannity didn't mind a bit leading off his own show with smears about Obama's patriotism from Palin, then what was the point of this segment - if not to provide more inflammatory soundbites?
Although Hannity stood in front of a larger graphic saying, “LIES & DISTORTIONS” (with the two “o’s” made up of the Obama campaign logo), his next guest was Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus. I guess Mitt Romney and/or Paul Ryan were unavailable for their impartial fact checking.
If that wasn’t enough spin for you, Hannity went on to wonder why the Democrats hadn’t praised George W. Bush’s anti-terrorism policies at their convention… with Liz Cheney! Yes, the same Liz Cheney who said on the Hannity show that Obama’s “explosive” objective is “leaving America weaker than when he took office.”
And then, as a final guest… Dinesh D’Souza, the man behind an anti-Obama book and documentary and who recently said on The O’Reilly Factor that President Obama is “trying to produce a massive shift of wealth away from the United States and toward the rest of the world” and that he “isn’t particularly concerned if money is redistributed away from (the middle class) and toward people in Rio De Janeiro and Mumbai.”
D’Souza was there to discuss the Democrats’ claims about the automobile bailout.
So if Fox is the only media outlet not in the tank for President Obama, why wasn’t there even one reporter on the show to expose all those lies and distortions Hannity supposedly found? Either Hannity couldn’t book one – a highly unlikely possibility given that he is one of the top-rated TV hosts – or he didn’t want to. And why wouldn’t he want to have any actual reporting on his show? He’s previously done it and even worked in anti-Obama bias at the same time. There’s only one probable answer as to why Hannity didn’t do any real exposing in his exposé: he didn’t want to.
The Stop Hannity Express knows Hannocchio is a bold-face liar. Hannocchio knows he’s a bold-face liar, his colleagues know he is a bold-face liar.
Hannocchio is a self-serving, conceited, thin-skinned, paranoid man who’s out to further his broadcasting career and wealth by any means necessary.
He sucks up to the likes of King George Bush, Shotgun Dick Cheney, The Mitt, Nat of Israel, and others in position of power to boast his image and huge ego.
Hannocchio fools his loyal audience by portraying himself as the ‘good guy’ fighting for their cause. Little do they know this New York street hustler has a dark side that would make Darth Vader look like a saint.
Hannocchio’s long history of deception goes back many, many years before he became a household name.
Coming down the pipe.
Hannocchio’s worst fears comes true.
You can’t help it. This stems from your miserable childhood.
Hannity tried to bully her by demanding that she provide examples of GOP personal attacks like he was braying about from the Dems. Holder couldn’t name a single one and made a shocking concession that she couldn’t. Which makes no sense. The answer to Hannity and Crowley about personal attacks would be to immediately turn to Crowley and say “How about when you tweeted about Sandra Fluke’s engagement – you know, when you asked ‘to a man?’” The answer would be to turn to Hannity and ask him about how he refers to Obama as “the annointed one” and “President Crybaby”. The answer would be to ask why people like Donald Trump and Ed Klein get a free pass to make really sinister comments on Fox’s air. The answer would be to ask about the RNC delegates who threw peanuts at a black camerawoman and yelled “This is how we feed the animals.” The answer would be to ask Hannity “How much time do you have?”
Doesn’t take much intelligence to realise that practically anybody who wants to kill somebody would probably desist if they had to wait a bit while looking for the gun to do that. Fact is that guns are all over the place in the USA (and many Third World countries).
I have no problems with hunting rifles although I feel that single-shot ones are more “sporting” than the rapid-firing sort that kill mosquitoes along with birds. I do take grave exception with the RNA’s attempts to justify the possession of mass-killing devices. No real hunter would ever use those because part of the fun of hunting is being able to shoot straight and true (one shot one prey is the key principle).
The instruments of mass murder protected by the lobbies very well financed by RNA are for killing other people, full stop.
A query: why is lobbying so bad when it’s the unions that do it on behalf of salaried workers?
The right has an agenda, and they love baking the numbers until they fit. The NRA’s the absolute worst group for it, bar none. I mean, absolute bar none- you should see the BS stats they pull out of thin air every time there’s a rash of shootings. But Fox News and Paul Ryan’s personal circle are a good tie for second.
Alternatively, blathering on and on about something else (e.g. Palin).
Obama has off-shore accounts, too?
And starting recently, I immediately turn of Faux if I come upon the image of Dick Morris on my TV. I just can’t listen to him anymore, not even for the comedic value.
Do you folks know that Slanthead is a first class, major liar, 24/7. He lies from the moment he gets up in the morning (“Darling wife, if you have slippers waiting for me tonight when I get home, I may sit and talk with you for a few minutes.”) to his weekend dinners out with his children ("Hey kiddies, don’t worry, go right ahead and stuff your face with all the greasy Big Macs, super-sized over-salted fries and 64oz sugar drinks you want, just like your daddy does; you’ll never get heart disease, Type II DM, nothing like that!).
Hannity could be standing waste-deep in a vat of 6-day-old cow shit and exclaim: “Doesn’t it smell sweet in here!”
There isn’t anything Slanthead won’t lie about.
I got $1 that says Hannity opens his radio hatefest tomorrow by claiming that the lastest Rasmussen poll (Hannity’s favorite pollster) giving a new bounce to Obama is really bad new for the President. He’ll rant for the next three hours with this lie as his theme.
Wake up people, Sean Hannity is a congenital liar!!
BTW, does anything take Monica Crowley seriously? This is the psychotic who once ranted on her Saturday radio show that the Muslims were taking over Boston, ready to impose Sharia law. She implored Bostonians (presumably the white, Christian ones) to pick up their arms and make war on all the new mosques going up.
Actual passage:
*Prayer is not a transfer of information, but rather an act of humility.
Prayer requires us to admit that perhaps we donât quite know it all. In our culture, there is great pressure to have the answers, to convince everyone that we have it all together and to be completely self-sufficient. *
So, I’ll say it first: Hannity hasn’t prayed in at least 15 years.
Yeah, sure.
Stephen Colbert put it best:
There was so much noise and enthusiasm, “The Fox News people could barely hear themselves saying it sucked!”