This morning, Gretchen Carlson joined Chris Wallace and Sean Hannity in the Fox News Syria Sour Grapes Club. Instead of expressing any relief that a military confrontation over Syria’s chemical weapons might have just been avoided, Carlson seemed more determined to make sure that President Obama didn’t get any credit.
As a Reuters article laid out, there are grounds for skepticism and concern that the proposed deal - to put Syria's chemical weapons under international control - may not work. For example, this could be a Syrian stalling tactic against international intervention as Bashar al-Assad's government forces launch new, deadly offensives against the rebels. The article also notes, “Whether inspectors can neutralize chemical weapons dumps while war rages in Syria remains open to question.”
But Carlson more or less pronounced the entire effort a failure as she sneered to Democratic guest Joe Manchin, “They say they’re going to do it but, come on, can we really trust Syria to do that?”
Manchin replied, “I’m not saying that we trust Syria. …We have to reach out to the international community. The Chemical Weapons Commission has 191 countries that are co-signers. So why not use that force of the international community to put the pressure on? Don’t just let Russia or count on Russia taking the lead.”
So Carlson took another swipe at Fox News Enemy In Chief, President Obama:
Well, and a lot of people are wondering that today. Did we hand the ball to Russia on this?
…It looks like (Obama) was going to get a big fat no from Congress on this vote and now he’s been given a lifeline by a supposed gaffe by his secretary of state. How do you see it?
Manchin told Carlson, “…This can’t be made political and shouldn’t be partisan right now. …Put America first. Put our politics to the side.”
But he ought to know that political partisanship is Job #1 at Fox News.
Well, the Christmas holiday season is coming up. Maybe Carlson gets a smaller bonus if Obama’s approval ratings go too high.
Video via Media Matters.
(Okay. I’m not really sure if Putin is still a Marxist/Communist but he sure does like acting like the Soviet dictators of the 20th century. All right. The Soviet dictators were basically acting like the previous authoritarian tsars—just coming from the other end of the political spectrum.)
But, actually, as long as we don’t have to start another war, I don’t care if he gets credit. I just hope that Syria relinquishes control of the chemical weapons peacefully.