Gooch X commented on Sarah Palin: Free Speech For Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson! For Martin Bashir? Not So Much
2013-12-20 12:50:22 -0500
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This whole “free speech” argument is silly. What people have to realize is that these reality stars and television hosts aren’t simply employees at a company…they are the product that the company is selling. People don’t tune into Paula Deen’s cooking show because they want to learn new recipes…they tune in because it’s Paula Deen. It’s not just some random cooking show that can be hosted by just anyone. She isn’t just some replaceable cog in a company working with a team to create a product. She IS the product. So when it comes out that she is horribly racist, it’s natural that the companies that exploit…er, I mean employ her…react by dumping her. Their product has become tainted in the public eye. Personally, I think this attachment to television personalities is very unhealthy for society. But that’s another discussion.
Gooch X commented on Fox & Friends Defends Fired Anti-Planned Parenthood Pro-Life Public School Teacher
2013-12-19 14:18:49 -0500
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Yes….let’s provide “balance” in schools by exposing children to every great and every idiotic idea that has ever existed and let them figure out what’s right and wrong. The next time someone from DARE speaks at your child’s school make sure there’s also a meth dealer on hand to provide “balance” to their anti-drug diatribe by extolling the virtues of smoking meth.
Gooch X commented on Todd Starnes Isn't Into Kinky Boots!
2013-12-18 17:36:29 -0500
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“But is it really appropriate to force parents to explain to their youngsters why grown men wearing lace undies?”
How hard is it to explain to the youngsters that we live in a free country?
How hard is it to explain to the youngsters that we live in a free country?
Gooch X commented on O’Reilly: The War On Christmas Is ‘Real And We Just Won’
2013-12-18 14:24:43 -0500
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It takes a big man to fight a fake war. Bill O’Reilly is a “big movement”.
Gooch X commented on Elisabeth Hasselbeck Agrees With Creationist Guest: Atheists Imposing 'Anti-God Religion'
2013-12-16 13:37:11 -0500
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Every time an atheist exercises his/her free speech, it’s an imposition of beliefs. Every time a Christian imposes his/her beliefs, it’s free speech.
Gooch X commented on Fox News Race War: Melissa Harris-Perry Edition
2013-12-10 17:40:15 -0500
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The Fox “news” personalities have not yet figured out that they can play dumb for only so long before it becomes reality.
Gooch X commented on Elisabeth Hasselbeck Endorses Anti-Gay Discrimination Because Religious Freedom And Free Enterprise!
2013-12-10 19:22:56 -0500
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I’m also wondering…does he not sell baked goods to liars? Adulterers? Blasphemers? Murderers perhaps? Do his customers have to take some sort of “sin” test? Does he only sell to those who are completely free of sin? Because I’m pretty sure the bible makes it clear that no such humans exist.
Gooch X commented on Ed Schultz Rips Bill O'Reilly A New One!
2013-12-06 19:29:07 -0500
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“Most on food stamps want to be there.”
So true…I hear they also choose to be elderly and disabled.
So true…I hear they also choose to be elderly and disabled.
Gooch X commented on Fox & Friends Plays Fear Of Sharia Law Card
2013-12-05 13:40:12 -0500
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This would indeed be troubling if we lived in a country where minorities have no rights. Luckily that is not the case here in the land of the free.
Gooch X commented on Bill O’Reilly: Just ‘Upholding A Nice Tradition’ With His War On Christmas
2013-12-03 16:17:40 -0500
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“The irony is that nobody is bothering the atheists. They are free to celebrate whatever they want to celebrate.”
Um…this is America. We are all free to celebrate whatever we want to celebrate. It must be nice making a living fighting nothing at all.
Um…this is America. We are all free to celebrate whatever we want to celebrate. It must be nice making a living fighting nothing at all.
Gooch X commented on Megyn Kelly Joins Fox News’ Race War On Oprah Winfrey
2013-11-21 14:22:25 -0500
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Fox News hosts are getting awfully defensive about Oprah’s comments. They point to her successful career as evidence that racism can’t possibly exist in America anymore. Even though there are still over 150 factions of the KKK throughout the country. Also, neo-nazi groups are now working with the KKK. It’s also interesting how these hate groups basically use the same conservative hot-button issues to lure new recruits…anti-gay, anti-immigration, anti-abortion, pro-Christian.
I also find it interesting that the Tea Party could have formed at any point over the past 30 years. But it took the election of a black president to mobilize that group into action.
But sadly, all I really have to do to know that racism is still in the hearts of Americans is to have a political discussion with my parents. I love them…but I cannot deny their racist views.
I also find it interesting that the Tea Party could have formed at any point over the past 30 years. But it took the election of a black president to mobilize that group into action.
But sadly, all I really have to do to know that racism is still in the hearts of Americans is to have a political discussion with my parents. I love them…but I cannot deny their racist views.
Gooch X commented on Todd Starnes Upset Over Humanist Challenge To Franklin Graham Charity
2013-11-21 13:37:23 -0500
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I read through most of this post thinking, “Come on humanists! It’s for the kids!” Then I got to the part about the conversion pledge. Yikes…not cool! Can’t a Christian organization simply do something nice and decent without pimping their savior like a whore?
Gooch X commented on Elisabeth Hasselbeck Advances Todd Starnes' Outrage Over Bible Marked As 'Fiction'
2013-11-20 16:15:53 -0500
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I don’t see how any book that features talking snakes, donkeys and bushes can escape the realm of fiction.
Gooch X commented on Gretchen Carlson Enlists Rush Limbaugh In Fox News’ Race War On Oprah
2013-11-20 13:47:43 -0500
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So….according to Rush racism in America no longer exists because of Oprah’s fame and financial success. I won’t even address the obvious flaws with this conclusion because I am 100% certain that Limbaugh knows it’s a crock. His job is to keep simple-minded conservatives simple-minded. There is no point in arguing with a man who has no desire for an honest conversation.
Gooch X commented on Mike Huckabee's New Kids History Video Tackles War On Christmas
2013-11-08 16:09:36 -0500
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Time traveling children? What kind of witchcraft is this?!
Gooch X commented on On Fox & Friends: Franklin Graham Trashes 'Sinful' Gays While Lying About ENDA
2013-11-08 12:58:01 -0500
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Religious freedom is an oxymoron. Graham simply cannot handle living in a free country. If he thinks it violates his religious freedom to work with homosexuals, then logically it must violate his religious freedom to live in a country where EVERYONE’s freedom is protected by the constitution….even homosexuals. This toxic mindset can only lead to oppression. I’m sure Graham would be quite happy with the establishment of some sort of Federal Department of Private Parts to make sure penises and vaginas are acting in accordance with God’s will.
Gooch X commented on Fox News’ Kooiman Apologizes For ‘Muslim Museum’ Report But…
2013-10-14 13:01:39 -0400
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Remember the uproar from Fox News about Dan Rather’s sloppy fact checking? And we all know what happened to him.
Gooch X commented on Fox's Jarrett Suggests Poor Are Sitting Around Eating Bonbons At Taxpayer Expense
2013-09-18 18:27:09 -0400
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Your average Fox News host is just as useful to society as your average unemployed person sitting on the couch eating bonbons.
Gooch X commented on Despite Fox News', Todd Starnes' Homophobic Lies, San Antonio Non-Discrimination Ordinance Passes
2013-09-05 19:21:39 -0400
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“Christians fear reprisals”
Christians fear EVERYTHING…at least the ones at FNC.
Christians fear EVERYTHING…at least the ones at FNC.