That Fox News is the media conduit for the radical, anti-choice forces who are waging a real war on women was demonstrated, once again, on Fox & Friends where, yesterday, they provided national exposure for the latest outrage and victimization story that is hot in anti-choice circles. The story, about a teacher who is claiming that he was fired for his pro-life views, also dovetails with the anti-choice movement's constant vilification of Planned Parenthood which is, in turn, vilified on Fox News, especially by Bill O'Reilly. As Newshounds Ellen reported, yesterday, the rich, white O'Reilly is still accusing Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides vital healthcare to American women many of them low income and minority, of "killing babies." Fox & Friends began the day by attacking Planned Parenthood in the context of the fired teacher whom they, not surprisingly, defended as a proponent of - wait for it - "balance" in the schools. And as is customary with the anti-choice movement and Fox News, it wasn't exactly fair & balanced.
Two days ago, Fox Nation ran with a emotional story from the radical anti-choice website, "Life News," about how a "distinguished, highly-qualified, good high school teacher PortlandOregon teacher" who "had the audacity to tell Planned Parenthood that they were not allowed in his classroom" was fired. So it was no surprise that Fox & Friends would pick up this newest anti-choice outrage.
So in setting the anti-choice propaganda message, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who was once pro-choice, opened with "in another startling story, a pro-life teacher was [she whispered] fired after kicking this Planned Parenthood group out of his class." The visual for "The Trouble With Schools" appeared. She said that he was given a "talking to," in September, because he asked a group, funded by Planned Parenthood, to leave his class and that he "organized, before a parent meeting, the idea that Planned Parenthood funding groups shouldn't be in his classroom." Brian Kilmeade reported that when people found out he was pro-life, he was targeted and "next thing you know, he got fired."
Whoa - stop right here. The story is far more detailed. Portland news reports that while Bill Diss is alleging that his termination was due to his strong pro-life views (He is a long time vocal opponent of Planned Parenthood's "filth"), the school claims that he was fired for "unprofessional, intimidating and/or harassing behavior.” School administrators testified that he was "rude" to students and that because his behavior, "was damaging to kids and effective working relationships," he received directives to "correct his action." He has been suspended twice, in the past. His lack of professionalism is born out in the Life News article which states that Diss, a devout Catholic, "warned his students not to trust Planned Parenthood" because it lies to women - an allegation that is obviously unfounded and untrue. And he was placed on leave in March of this year - not given a "talking to" in September. Complaints against him go back years, so he wasn't as stated by Kilmeade, abruptly fired.
But for Fox & Friends, Diss is just another persecuted pro-life Christian. Doocy read a quote in which Diss claims that the school values Planned Parenthood more than his wonderful self. Doocy followed this up with a statement from the school. Doocy wanted to know why Planned Parenthood talking in his math class. Hasselbeck wanted to know if they had an adoption agency come to represent the other side. (Uh, this is a teen pregnancy prevention program) Doocy summed it up: "It's OK for Planned Parenthood to come into his class but it's not OK for him to tell his point of view." (no, Steve, religious advocacy is not OK) After Doocy wanted to know why the union isn't "protecting" Diss, Hasselbeck said that Diss "just wants to protect kids." (From learning about pregnancy prevention?)
Kilmeade read commentary from students about how Diss promotes his views in class and "brings religion in." Hasselbeck wanted to know if Diss' views are "to balance" the views of Planned Parenthood. As the chyron reinforced the agitprop, "Faith Under Fire," she asked the audience if they want Planned Parenthood in their kids classrooms.
LOL, these are the same people who constantly whine about liberal and Muslim "indoctrination" in the classroom. They embrace students who oppose this supposed liberal bias. Yet, they think it's OK for this teacher to push his anti-choice views - in his math class - views which, as students admit, are based on his Catholicism which would be fine for a Catholic school but this is a "government" school. Rather than "trouble with schools," this is trouble with zealots who are routinely validated on the "fair & balanced" Fox news network.