Greta Van Susteren helped ramp up Fox News’ crusade against President Obama, I mean terrorism, via a lapdog interview with Rev. Franklin Graham. In it, she all but invited him to declare Obama “too Muslim” to be fully anti-terrorism or pro-America.
Just as Fox exploited the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the burning execution of the Jordanian pilot to advance its anti-Obama political agenda, so is Fox using ISIS’ slaughter of Egyptian Christians for its own propaganda.
Van Susteren’s first question to Graham was, “Why do you think the president and the White House called them ‘citizens and not ‘Christians?’”
If Van Susteren was really curious or sought information, she would have asked someone in a position to know, rather than the Obama-hating, birtherism-promoting Graham, who surely would have absolutely no knowledge of White House policy or decision-making. Graham has also blown the "Obama is a secret Muslim" dog whistle on Van Susteren's show previously.
“I have no idea,” Graham acknowledged. But that didn’t stop him from hypothesizing about all the anti-Christian evils that might be lurking behind Obama's labels.
But first, Graham used his Fox perch for a little Christian proselytizing.
GRAHAM: I think it’s important that the Muslim world know that God does love them and he’s made a way for them to be with him in heaven and that’s through faith in his son, Jesus Christ. They don’t have to cut off heads, they don’t have to die in a holy war, it’s simply by faith. And Greta, this is something that the White House doesn’t understand, the religious aspect of this.
Van Susteren went back to the all-important-to-Fox issue of President Obama’s semantics. “Does it make a difference if the president says it’s Islamic extremists or what he calls whoever these people are who are cuttin’ heads off?”
Graham has not a single foreign policy or anti-terrorism credential. So it’s hard to see this as anything but another invitation for Graham to attack Obama. This time Graham went at it:
GRAHAM: It does make a difference, Greta. We have to understand who we’re dealing with and you have to deal with it accordingly. And the president is ignoring the fact that these are Islamic extremists, these are terrorists, and ISIS is a terrorist organization and they are bent on destroying the west. They’ve already said they want the flag of Islam to fly over the White House.
The president, his entire life, his whole influence has been Islam. His mother was married to a Muslim, his father’s a Muslim, then she married a man from Indonesia, he was raised in Indonesia, went to Islamic schools, I assume she was a Muslim. So his whole life, his experiences have been surrounded by Islam. He only knows Islam. And he’s given a pass to Islam. He’s refusing to accept and understand the evil that is in front of him.
In reality, as even Fox News has acknowledged, Obama hardly knew his father – who was an atheist or agnostic. Furthermore, as noted by the University of Virginia's Miller Center, Obama lived in Indonesia for only four years, where he went to both Muslim and Catholic schools. He attended the presitgious, Christian-based Punahou school in Hawaii from fifth grade until he graduated high school - while living with his non-religious grandparents.
Even if Van Susteren didn’t know these facts, she should have at least challenged Graham for assuming that Obama’s mother was a Muslim (she wasn’t, apparently).
Instead, Van Susteren implicitly validated Graham. First, with silence as he spoke, then when she closed the interview by saying, “Rev. Graham, always nice to see you, sir. Thank you.”
Watch it below, from last night’s On The Record.
They will ruin everything and destroy the world with their naive, foolish persepctive. Franklin has made his father’s legacy even more dumbed down and despicable.
They are blind to their idiocy and shout their ridiculous pathology loudly. They’ll get us all killed.