Fox News Radio's Todd Starnes is not just unhappy with yesterday's Supreme Court's ruling striking down three out of four provisions of Arizona's immigration law aka SB 1070 but is suggesting that Arizona secede.
As Media Matters noted, Starnes sent off a Tweet yesterday asking "at what point should a state consider secession?" Not surprisingly, a number of his readers eagerly offered up suggestions such as "Following a Dem win in November" and "as of today."
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scooter commented
2012-06-26 18:36:58 -0400
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Let them secede – as long as they take Starnes and every other Fox cretin with them. They can start their own country of Dumbfuckistan. Within one year they’ll have killed each other over inconsequential matters and America can once again accept the sane people back into the country.
I jest of course, but it’s a good fantasy.
I jest of course, but it’s a good fantasy.
mj - the same one commented
2012-06-26 15:45:27 -0400
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Fox’s Todd Starnes Suggests Arizona Should Secede In Wake Of Immigration Ruling
AWWW . . . whatsamatta, Toddy? Didn’t your hear Jan Brunhilde’s spin yesterday, that the ruling was a “victory”?
As for your specific question, for AZ, TX, and any other states that may have contemplated secession since the black guy got in the White House, I have just one thing to say: DO IT.
Doing so will have several advantages — the nation’s collective IQ will rise, it’ll be one less red state that needs to be subsisted by the blue states, and it will be Mexico’s property {again} within 72 hours . . .
AWWW . . . whatsamatta, Toddy? Didn’t your hear Jan Brunhilde’s spin yesterday, that the ruling was a “victory”?
As for your specific question, for AZ, TX, and any other states that may have contemplated secession since the black guy got in the White House, I have just one thing to say: DO IT.
Doing so will have several advantages — the nation’s collective IQ will rise, it’ll be one less red state that needs to be subsisted by the blue states, and it will be Mexico’s property {again} within 72 hours . . .
Joseph West commented
2012-06-26 14:45:12 -0400
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Now, as to Starnes’ initial query, I believe there was a little unpleasantness about 150 or so years ago that sort of ended any legal consideration about secession.
Of course, what Starnes probably doesn’t realize is that, if Arizona did secede, then HE would also be subject to the “papers please” law. (Granted, he probably wouldn’t actually have to endure police scrutiny since he could “pass” for an Arizonan. But what’cha wanna bet he’d raise a fuss at having to carry a passport if he wanted to interview Arpaio?)
Of course, what Starnes probably doesn’t realize is that, if Arizona did secede, then HE would also be subject to the “papers please” law. (Granted, he probably wouldn’t actually have to endure police scrutiny since he could “pass” for an Arizonan. But what’cha wanna bet he’d raise a fuss at having to carry a passport if he wanted to interview Arpaio?)
Joseph West commented
2012-06-26 14:38:54 -0400
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That comment of the one calling itself “lisakauai” was funny. It says “I would gladly live under the leadership of The Wicked Witch of the Southwest and Sheriff Really-Funny-Last-Name-for-an-American.” Here’s a thought, “lisakauai” (assuming you’re capable of thought), MOVE THERE, so you can live under that “leadership” full time, instead of merely dreaming of that “leadership.” (Now, of course, “lisakauai” might already live in Arizona, but that Twitter ID seems a bit odd, one could even say “suspicious,” for a resident of Arizona.)