Bill O’Reilly sent his attack dog producer Jesse Watters to badger and belittle Cornell University students for the crime of having professors who disproportionately donate to Democratic candidates. Not surprisingly, Cornell told him to take a hike.
According to O’Reilly, the Cornell student newspaper found that 96% of political donations by faculty went to Democrats. “Only 15 of 323 donors gave to conservative campaigns or causes,” O’Reilly groused. “That doesn’t seem real diverse to me.” I’d love to see Fox News do a similar study of its own 'fair and balanced" hosts' donations and show how much diversity is there. But I’ll bet you’ll never see one.
Rather than investigating what effect, if any, professors' political views have on the students' education, O’Reilly used the factoid to send Watters – the guy who tolerates talk of assassinations of liberals on Fox Nation, the website he manages – to mock Cornell. As Salon snarked, it was a given that Cornell must be “indoctrinating students into the Church of Noam Chomsky and Latter Day Zinns.”
Watters, with his perpetual smirk, trolled students with such questions as, “Do the professors pass around doobies in class?” and “Do the teachers ever burn incense in class?”
When a student laughed at the stupidity of that last question, Watters said, “OK, you probably missed that then.”
I’m sure it was just a coincidence that Watters asked a dark-skinned woman, “Do you think that the phrase Islamic terror is offensive?” When the woman said yes, she thought so, Watters followed up with, “Have a lot of the terrorists been Episcopalian these days?”
Yeah, that’s real proof of liberal indoctrination, alright.
Finally, Watters was interrupted by Cornell’s deputy director of media relations and asked not to interview students on campus. Watters appealed to the director of media relations but to no avail.
“They hated you,” O’Reilly said gleefully.
“They did,” Watters agreed.
Who could blame them?
Watch Watters’ latest hit job below, from the October 26 The O’Reilly Factor.
Well BillO, I thought it was their money and their business whom they gave it to.
Or maybe that’s just for one percenters like the Kochs . . .
Maybe O’Reilly needs Russell Brand to remind him of how Brand was treated by FoxNoise security while Brand was on a CITY SIDEWALK.