We've got another week of Fox News outrageousness to mull over and vote on. Put your thinking caps on, dear readers. Because while many can be nominated, only one can be the Outrageous Quote of the Week. Will Ann Coulter get a streak going and win for the second week in a row? Will Donald Rumsfeld grab his first award? How about Dana "Say The Pledge Of Allegiance My Way Or Hit The Highway" Perino? We've got all that and more after the jump.
Sean Hannity, using the debate over striking Syria as a Launchpad to advocate attacking Iran, instead.: “Wouldn’t it make sense that if we really wanted to have an impact, rather than lob a few cruise missiles in to Syria, which I don’t think would be very effective, based on days, not weeks, and no boots on the ground, why don’t we do what we should do and that’s take out Iran’s nuclear sites?”
Dana Perino, discussing atheists who want to remove the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance: “(I)f these people don’t like it, they don’t have to live here.”
Donald Rumsfeld calling the kettle black: “This president has tried to find a way to blame everybody or anybody for everything. And leadership requires that you stand up, take a position, provide clarity and take responsibility.”
Fox News “National security expert” Ann Coulter arguing that President Obama should send troops back into Iraq instead of striking Syria: “How about just sending those troops to Iraq? That is, once again, a war that was - deposed a monster 50 times worse than Assad, that established a democracy that did not allow Al Qaeda to get control of the country and… defeat is snatched from the jaws of victory by Obama, by pulling out troops. …He’s given that magnificent success up.”
Brian Kilmeade, displaying his Islamophobic ignorance over the Syrian rebels saying, “Allahu akbar”: “I have a problem helping those people out if they’re screaming that after a hit.”