Fox guest Wayne Simmons offered up his solution for dealing with Muslim “no go zones” that would be crazy enough even if Fox had not since admitted there are no such things.
As we’ve previously reported, Fox host Julie Banderas apologized yesterday for the network's “regrettable errors” of reporting that there are “no go zones” in Europe where non-Muslims are not allowed. But she didn’t say anything about the U.S.!
One day earlier, torture-loving, ex-CIA operative Wayne Simmons suggested there are “no go zones” in the U.S. as well. A few days prior, Fox & Friends put forth the same dubious claim.
Simmons' prescription for dealing with the so-called European Muslim “no go zones” was pretty off the wall:
Until they get rid of these no go zones, you go in and you put razor wire around those no go zones, you turn off the water, and then as they come out, you catalogue them, and that’s how you close these no go zones.
Simmons continued, uninterrupted, as he suggested that there are "no go zones" in the U.S., too:
It is incomprehensible that anywhere in the United States, these types of things would be allowed, and yet my friend Ryan Mauro, as you probably know, reported that through the Clarion Project that we’ve got at least 19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities in the United States. …They’re using paramilitary exercises to plan and execute these types of operations all over the United States, and when it happens, it’ll just be you and I saying we told you so.
19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities in the U.S.? Don’t you think that would be something for host Neil Cavuto to challenge or at least explore? But he didn’t. He closed the segment by calling Simmons "prescient."
Watch it below, via Media Matters, from the January 16 Your World.
The first two have been around for several decades but new ones appear and wilt every year.
It would be nice, however, if FoxNoise and its guests were as concerned about the RIGHT-WING paramilitary groups (including the “Minute Men”)—groups have which increased over the past 6 years (since that “colored man” had the audacity to set up house on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue).