Donald Trump may be at odds with Univision for his hideous comments about Mexicans but it looks like he’ll always have Megyn Kelly!
In case you missed it, Univision, the Spanish television network, has pulled out of Trump’s Miss Universe pageant in response to his anti-Mexican comments. In response, Trump is threatening to sue.
“Independent” Megyn Kelly couldn’t have been more obviously sympathetic to Trump. Right in her introduction she demonized Univision before she got to explaining what their beef is – that is the part she left in.
KELLY: Amid reports that Univision’s president of programming and content posted and then deleted this! (side by side photos of Trump and Charleston shooter Dylann Roof) An image on Instagram associating Donald Trump with the mass murderer who killed nine people in Charleston last week. It comes as Univision announces it is dropping a TV deal to carry the Miss Universe program, which Trump produces, because it objects to remarks Mr. Trump made when he declared his run for president.
She then played the objectionable clip.
TRUMP: When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. …They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us (sic). They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime and some I assume are good people.
With showy outrage, Kelly announced, “Mr. Trump weighs in on being compared to an accused mass murderer.”
Of course, it’s fine to compare liberals to the mass murderer on Fox. In fact, just yesterday, one of Kelly’s regular guests – whose perspective she is "always interested in getting" said liberals "created" Roof. But don’t expect any Kelly outrage at him any time soon.
Meanwhile, Trump reiterated his attacks on Mexico – and then some.
TRUMP: Frankly, tremendously bad people are coming in. All you have to do is speak to the border patrol. They’ll tell you. We have horrible – we have some terrible people coming in. Not only from Mexico, they’re flowing through Mexico, through the border, but they’re coming from all over and they are killers and they are people that we don’t want in this country in many cases. So I speak my mind, I make speeches about it, I get the biggest crowds, I get the biggest standing ovations. Everybody knows what I’m saying is true.
Kelly didn’t ask if those biggest crowds and standing ovations were from paid actors, like the ones who cheered on his presidential announcement. Instead, she let the boast stand unchallenged.
TRUMP: And, by the way, the Mexican government knows. Obviously, they’re going to try and send lots of bad ones. Certainly, some wonderful people come through. They should do it in a legal fashion.
Rather than challenge a single word or give any consideration to why a Spanish-language television network might not want to give a platform to a guy like Trump – who also claims he’ll build a wall on the Mexican border and make them pay for it (another factoid Kelly conveniently overlooked), she asked “What do you make of this television company, now its president of content suggesting you’re just like a mass murderer, then their lead news anchor – news anchor! – Jorge Ramos sent out the New York Daily News cover that put you in a clown face… This is their news anchor, this is likely to be the person who will participate in the hosting of this presidential forum. My question to you is, will you attend if they in fact are allowed to host this.”
It’s not like Trump hasn’t done anything to deserve being called a clown. Jon Stewart – who nicknamed Trump Fuckface Von Clownstick - jokingly threatened to leave The Daily Show early the other night because he thought Trump had not filed the paperwork to make his comedy-fodder candidacy official.
But to Kelly, Trump’s childishness, his utterly discredited birtherism was not even worth a mention. In fact, she was so on his side she suggested he should not show up for the Republican presidential candidate debate Univision is hosting. “Would you sit there at Univision for a forum after this?” she asked, her voice stuck in outrage gear.
Yes, he would.
TRUMP: I guess I would probably go because I would just have to go and defend myself. They may be much tougher on me than anybody else… If Jeb Bush was in my position, he would have folded – which I could have done very easily. All I have to do is be silent and Mexico would continue to rip us off for many years to come but that’s not what our country needs to be great again.
“Always great to hear from you,” Kelly said in closing.
Watch it below, from the June 25 The Kelly File.
Read this gem. Hispanic lawmakers demand Trumpster apologize for his comments:
Grab the popcorn. Fight Night has begun.