Megyn Kelly was on Donald Trump Rehab detail at Fox News over the revelation that Trump hired actors to pose as supporters at his presidential announcement yesterday. After "just asking" if it was so bad, Kelly then made it about Hillary Clinton.
From Raw Story:
“A consulting firm that has worked with real estate mogul Donald Trump allegedly enlisted a New York City casting firm to make sure it appeared Trump had supporters on hand when he announced his entry into the presidential campaign
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the company, Extra Mile Casting, contacted background actors via email on June 12 seeking people to appear at Trump’s campaign launch and cheer for him, offering a rate of $50 in cash for less than three hours of work.
The Kelly File devoted less than two minutes to the news. Even so, Kelly spent more time talking about Hillary Clinton than Trump.
“I don’t know, is it so bad if they did?” Kelly asked in her opening comment about Trump hiring actors. “Is it so bad if Hillary has staged events in Iowa? It seems like the whole process is showbiz.”
Well, yes it is, guest Dana Perino said. “You can pay for a lot of things in life. You can pay for actors...”
“He’s very rich,” Kelly said approvingly.
Perino agreed. But, she added, “One thing you can’t pay for in American politics, is votes.”
Perino also said, “When you’re running for president, the bar is raised, so you’re gonna have to start answering a lot of things, including specifics.”
That made Kelly think again of Clinton.
KELLY: Mmm, well, maybe, because Hillary Clinton doesn’t. So I don’t know. Maybe he’s gonna follow that model. If he does, he won’t have to answer for anything. I mean, that’s the thing about these Republican candidates. They’re all out there answering questions. She is not.
But here’s the thing about “straight news anchor” Megyn Kelly. When Hillary Clinton was found selectively choosing participants for a campaign event – not paying them, selecting – The Kelly File did an entire segment discussing it – with Republican guest Marc Thiessen. Fox News called the video, “Is Hillary Clinton running a phony campaign?”
From the transcript:
THIESSEN: (W)hen she goes to a coffee shop where she is supposed to meet ordinary Americans, they’re planted Democrat operatives. They’re fake real Americans. I mean, she actually staged a coffee shop visit.
KELLY: I think they’re real Americans.
THIESSEN: They’re real Americans, but they’re fake –
KELLY: Ordinary people. Right.
THIESSEN: -- ordinary Americans who she stumbled across. Who does that? Who fakes a visit to a coffee shop? Are they going to vet everybody?
KELLY: So, apparently we’ve been looking into this. Ed Henry says a lot of campaigns do this. But what they typically do is they pick real people. And then they vet them so that the candidate doesn’t to have sit down with, as it turns out, with convicted felon, you know, something like to make sure this is an appropriate person for, you know, someone like Hillary Clinton to be sitting with, and then they go forward. But this business of pulling out these specific campaign operatives. You know, I mean, Democratic operatives, and then pawning them off as just regular folks seems a little bit less common.
THIESSEN: Well, I guess she doesn’t want to be asked about her server by an ordinary American or something like that. But look, this just shows that her own campaign is worried about her interaction with ordinary Americans. They don’t even trust her to meet an ordinary American…
KELLY: Well, and that gets to the heart of it.
Besides the fact that Kelly spent six and a half minutes discussing Hillary Clinton’s event, you may notice that none of that time was spent defending her.
Watch the Trump segment from the June 17 The Kelly File and compare it to the Clinton segment from April 16, below.
Good catch, Ellen.