Fox’s racial divisiveness in the Confederate flag debate went to an extraordinarily nasty level on America’s Newsroom yesterday.
The choice of racial hate monger Kevin Jackson as a guest to debate moderate Jessica Ehrlich more or less guaranteed that a discussion about the Confederate flag would turn one-sidedly vicious.
Anchor Martha MacCallum ensured that the nastiness would start by asking Jackson for “your thoughts” about the “larger implications” of removing Confederate flags from state houses. Alabama’s governor had just done that, the governor of South Carolina had urged her state’s legislature to do the same and, according to MacCallum, Mississippi and Arkansas are considering it, too.
Jackson suggested that they should be talking about the evilness of liberals more and the Confederate flag less.
JACKSON: Well, let’s hope that it eradicates racism, Martha. I mean, that’s essentially what the left is after. You know they never give up anything. This is such a red herring that takes away from the real issue, that liberals created this kid that shot up this church…
Any decent news anchor would have stopped Jackson and challenged him on that comment. But not MacCallum.
Jackson wasn’t through smearing liberals. “What the left is trying to say is, ‘Let’s eradicate history. If ever history doesn’t fit the narrative that we want, let’s get rid of it.’ “
Martha MacCallum responded to this hatefulness by saying, “Interesting argument.”
Instead of blasting Jackson herself, Ehrlich mildly said “I disagree with Kevin that this is just a left issue. I don’t think Nikki Haley or the South Carolina state legislature or the Governor of Alabama would consider themselves to be on the left. This is an issue that we address as a society, as Americans, as the way that we want to perceive ourselves. That these states want to carry on and respect what’s happened, obviously in our history, but we’re talking now about something that’s happened well over a hundred years ago and we need to move forward.”
Later, MacCallum interrupted Ehrlich to prompt some more hate mongering from Jackson, this time by suggesting that removal of the Confederate flag will lead to some kind of frenzy of renaming and removal. “Do we always get caught up in this hysteria that these are the things that are going to make a change in this country and make everybody feel better when it reality it does absolutely nothing to do that, Kevin?” she asked.
Jackson dubiously claimed that Hillary Clinton used the Confederate flag in her own campaigns – which MacCallum did not question. “If you’re gonna go back in history and start eradicating things, let’s begin with the Democrats. They are the biggest racists on the planet. Their platform was begun with racists intentions.”
Finally, MacCallum challenged.“You’re gonna have to explain that,” she said.
JACKSON: The Democrats’ platform were to get rid of the mongrel races and it was anti-black. It was anti-Asian, it was anti anything that had to do with non white America. So if you’re gonna start getting rid of and correcting things how about we get rid of Woodrow Wilson’s schools? How about we get rid of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who put two racists on the Supreme Court? How about we get rid of LBJ who’s credited with civil rights legislation and he’s responsible for nothing. He just signed it.
MacCallum interrupted - not to point out that those Democrats became Republicans, but to sugarcoat Jackson's venom. “The larger point of what you’re saying I understand,” she said sympathetically. “You can go to the founding fathers, many of whom owned slaves. So do you start removing their names from things as well, Jessica? At what point is it ridiculous?”
Again, a mild response from Ehrlich that did not question the vileness.
Finally, MacCallum moved on to President Obama’s upcoming eulogy for the slain pastor of the Charleston church. She turned to Jackson for some more race baiting with this prompt in the form of a question: “I hope, Kevin, that he spends some time talking about the importance of faith in that community. The importance of what they did in pulling together as black people and white people together really just talking about their city and how much they love it and how they are not gonna give in to these forces of evil.”
Jackson responded just the way you’d expect:
JACKSON: Martha it’s going to be a pander just like Hillary Clinton’s, in St. Louis, pulling a Dolezal, acting as if she’s black. Hanging around a bunch of black folks like she really cares. She doesn’t care. Barack Obama doesn’t care anything about South Carolina except it promotes some sort of a racist narrative about this. The citizens of South Carolina did the right thing. They don’t care about the flags. They don’t care about anything except sticking together. They got an Indian ancestry Governor and they’ve got Tim Scott. They’ve proven that this country has overcome racism and this is what we’re talking about a silly symbol that quite frankly is nothing more than southern pride.
MacCallum closed by saying, “Interesting debate. Thank you very much.”
The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple asked Jackson for a clarification of his remarks that blamed liberals for shooter Dylann Roof’s racism. Jackson said the following: “He’s a product of culture, a culture Liberals own. From the moment he hit school, in his generation, boys are bad. White boys are worse.”
You can read Jacksons full response here.
Watch the kind of race baiting Fox & Friends insists is not racism, below, from yesterday’s America’s Newsroom.
Wow, Kev — you talk as though that’s a bad thing . . .
A black who is overeager to win the approval of whites (as by obsequious behavior or uncritical acceptance of white values and goals)
I can only imagine how George and Louise Jefferson would react to anything Kevin Jackson says.
Oh, screw it. (Warning: The following clips contain the N-word so don’t play if you’re overly sensitive. But, Louise and George Jefferson say it best. Louise’s best reaction comes at about 10 seconds in the first clip. George’s comes at about the 50 second mark in the second clip.)
If I were more talented and had a little more savvy with mashing up videos, I’d do a mash-up of both with the Jeffersons telling Jackson where it’s at.
Anyone else get the impression if someone white said that Jackson was “uppity,” he’d take offense at it? You know—he comes off as the “free speech for me, but not for thee” type.