Even if you didn’t know that author Ed Klein has been thoroughly discredited and has come up with outrageously unbelievable claims about the Clintons in the past, any halfway intelligent American would have reason to doubt his declaration on the Hannity show last night that Bill Clinton hates President Obama “most in the whole world” because Obama is working to make sure Hillary doesn’t get the nomination. But Sean Hannity ate it up.
Klein, who has a new anti-Hillary book out, has become a regular Hannity guest of late – despite the fact that Hannity’s own Fox News colleagues questioned Klein's credibility. But even if you don’t know that Klein’s previous writings contain the kind of laughable allegations that Chelsea Clinton was conceived when Bill raped Hillary, you’d have to take what Klein alleged last night with a shaker of salt.
During the discussion, Hannity “revealed” that “a very prominent person” who had been watching Klein on Hannity the previous week had confided that, “Everything that Ed Klein says that Bill Clinton said, he has said to me. Multiple times. Bill Clinton does not like Barack Obama. He loathes him.”
Now, what kind of “very prominent person” (so prominent that Hannity said it twice) who would have that kind of inside information about the Clintons would also spill the beans to the likes of Hannity about it: Chelsea Clinton? John Kerry? Or was it Clinton “bestie” Dick Cheney? Don't make me laugh.
Whoever it was must have the same kind of Clinton pipeline as Klein. He agreed:
(Clinton) has called him the man he hates most in the whole world. …Bill has been checking with state chairmen, Democratic state chairmen all across the United States about what Obama is up to. And he’s come to the conclusion that Obama’s looking for a Mini-Me, a clone of himself to make sure that Hillary doesn’t get the nomination. So Bill feels that his biggest enemy is Barack Obama.
If Obama is Clinton’s biggest enemy then why did Bill Clinton do such a tremendous job helping to re-elect President Obama? Why would Bill commend Obama over ObamaCare? Why would Hillary agree to become Secretary of State in the Obama administration? I have no doubt Obama and Bill are not close but there’s a big difference between that and the kind of enmity Klein and Hannity described.
And again, who in a position to know would be talking to Klein?
“Unbelievable,” Hannity responded to Klein’s “revelation.”
Which may be the one true thing said in the discussion.
I fully expect Klein to be offered a job at Fox if Hillary Clinton runs.
Watch Hannity and Klein claim to have sources among the Clintons below.
I was going to go with “Klein’s rear end” as the source — but, it occurred to me that the two are interchangeable, anyway . . .
And what actual “very prominent” personage with any kind of ties to the Clintons would give Hannity the time of day?
Morris has at least old connections, and he’s nearly consumed with hatred and resentment of both Clintons since they abandoned him after he was caught on hidden camera sucking a prostitute’s toes in that hotel during the Dem. convention. He became an embarrassing has-been in Dem. circles, so he went back to his origins on the right wing and has furiously peddled his “cred” as a one-time Clinton political intimate to make up the income and the TV face time.
Of course BC is “checking with state chairmen” these days. His wife’s seriously thinking about running for president, and he’s probably checking what they’re hearing from Obama about her because he quite rightly isn’t willing to completely trust the apparent Obama turnaround about her even after all this time.
He desperately wants Hillary to run and to be the first woman pres. He I suspect wants that more than he wanted to be president himself.
No chance Morris isn’t one of Klein’s sources, IMO. The smear style is nearly identical. If you’re out to smear the Clintons for the fun and profit of the right-wing audience, you’d go to Morris first, and often.
But I guess Klein and Morris could be working his (Morris’) “sources.” You know, the ones that “revealed” to Morris that Clinton didn’t want Obama re-elected.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Bill Clinton had some really awful things to say about Obama to one or two people during the ‘80 primaries (and imo with very good reason). My guess is that it’s one of these ’08 expostulations that Klein is clutching as the faintest possible justification for his claims.
Or it’s not entirely impossible that Klein is laughing all the way to the bank at the lies he’s been telling the gullible Fox crowd.
BTW, Klein is also a regular on Dobbs’s Fox Biz show.
This statement is 100% accurate.
If you replace “Barack Obama” with “Ed Klein.”
Didn’t realize Hannocchio took the day off. Simone is one of his fav sub hosts; an overweight bald putz with a face that looks like it was created by crossing a simian with a filthy jockstrap!
I guess Hannity needed personal time. He’s got to scrape the grill, as he’ll celebrate the 4th by consuming a 20 oz. steak. That’s how he honored Amerika’s war dead on Memorial Day and how he pays his respect to anyone who sacrifices for others — by shoving meat into his mouth.
Then maybe he’s got extra karate classes scheduled this weekend; during his trip next week to the southwest border, he may have to engage some of those little brown “terrorists” in hand-to-hand combat.
Slanthead is licking his chops at this chance to go down and secure the border once and for all, especially since Obama can’t do it.
“All right men — yes, you too Sean — mount up! Yeah, I know know it sucks… but you’re stuck with the donkey again. Okay… LOCK AND LOAD!! Remember, we are NOT xenophobes! We’re just securing the border.”
And, Klein knows what Bill Clinton’s feelings are from his long association and numerous interviews with Clinton — right?