Bigtoe commented on Kris Kobach: Deport Parents Along With DACA Recipients To Keep Families Together
2017-09-06 10:49:06 -0400
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Huntsman father must be so proud.
Bigtoe commented on On Fox, Pastor Complains Target’s Bathroom Policy Will ‘Open The Door To A Lot Of Perversity.’
2016-04-30 02:48:08 -0400
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I’m still waiting for someone to give us the stats of all the trans folks who’ve been arrested for harassing and molesting women and children in these public bathrooms. If there was evidence that this has been an issue in the past, then let’s see it. If not, take your bigotry elsewhere.
Bigtoe commented on Roland Martin Tells O’Reilly To Put Up Or Shut Up About ‘Ill-Educated’ Black Youth With ‘Tattoos On Their Foreheads’
2016-04-19 14:48:09 -0400
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“Put your money where your mouth is.” Sounds fairly simple.
But, alas, Billo is a coward and a racist. His true colors always belie the bullshit he spews.
But, alas, Billo is a coward and a racist. His true colors always belie the bullshit he spews.
Bigtoe commented on Megyn Kelly Jabs At Bill O’Reilly For Not Defending Her To Donald Trump
2016-04-03 17:46:56 -0400
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She also said fox is not a right-winged biased organization. She knows that’s false as she gets paid to be biased. So she’s a liar. Full stop. She has no credibility and regardless of anything else that happens to her as a result of the misogyny she experiences at the hands of her own team won’t change that. She chose not to practice journalism. Karma’s a bitch.
Bigtoe commented on Daily Beast Editor: Fox News Hosts Give Donald Trump ‘Sort Of Backrubs’ On National TV
2016-03-28 20:31:21 -0400
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Megyn and Bret are the journalists over there? When did that happen?
Bigtoe commented on Michelle Fields Discusses Her Alleged Assault From Donald Trump’s Campaign Manager
2016-03-13 21:03:41 -0400
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Even without the video, she comes across as credible. If the Drumpf campaign does respond with an apology (not likely though) I can only imagine it’ll be rather weak and filled with excuses rather than sincerity.
Bigtoe commented on Fox’s Chris Wallace Slams The GOP Debate As An ‘Embarrassment’ For The Party
2016-02-27 02:09:13 -0500
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When even the republican propaganda machine can’t find anyone presidential or anything presidential about their candidates, you know things can’t be going well for their party. As I see it, Trump is going to be the nominee. The only question left for disgruntled republican voters is: are you going to hold your nose and vote for him or stay home?
Bigtoe commented on Romney: There’s ‘Good Reason To Believe’ There’s ‘A Bombshell’ In Trump’s Taxes
2016-02-24 20:31:34 -0500
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Of course, Romney would know about potential skeletons. The rich always have things they want to hide because of how it looks when they don’t pay their fair share. He only gave up two years while others had shown several years worth for fear of his skeletons being exposed. What a hypocrite.
Bigtoe commented on BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dead
2016-02-13 18:10:13 -0500
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So, at 4-4, who’s the tiebreaker?
Bigtoe commented on Why Donald Trump’s NH Win Is Fox News’ Loss
2016-02-10 23:37:38 -0500
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Wow Dave, just wow!! I had no idea….of the depths of the insanity out there. Now go take your meds.
Bigtoe commented on Chris Christie Calls Out Fox’s Steve Doocy As ‘Rooting For Trump’
2016-02-07 16:15:14 -0500
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Anyone supporting a democrat is not going to last long at the “fair and balanced” liars club.
Bigtoe commented on White Fox Hosts Smear Danny DeVito For Calling America ‘A Racist Country’
2016-01-25 22:39:54 -0500
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Not sure why Kilmeade and Gutfield think his height has anything to do with DeVito’s point. After all, just because they are stupid assholes doesn’t mean we shouldn’t listen to their white-splainin…oh, wait…
Bigtoe commented on Bill Hemmer Helps Jason Chaffetz Advance GOP Claim: Planned Parenthood Doesn't Need Federal $
2015-09-30 17:04:54 -0400
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I agree, Scooter. And I thought that Rep Elijah Cummings was on target as he exposed the republicans for the hacks they are. This hearing wasn’t about the videos, it was all about smearing PP in order to help defund it.
Bigtoe commented on Rep. Kevin McCarthy Touts Benghazi Committee Harm To Hillary Clinton As A Reason He Should Be Speaker – And Gets ‘Credit’ From Hannity
2015-09-30 16:56:11 -0400
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Finally, the republicans admit a few things about Benghazi:
(1) They really didn’t give a shit about the people who died there. They were happy to have something to try and use against Clinton. And all their waste of taxpayer dollars for this committee or that hearing produced nothing except—
(2) Email gate. And clearly no evidence of wrong doing has been exposed even as more emails are released for everyone to peruse. Which leaves only—
(3) The only reason we brought any of this stuff up was to damage Clintons’ credibility and trustworthiness with lies and innuendos. And Hannity lauds his success as McCarthy virtually admits to “making shit up for political gain.”
(1) They really didn’t give a shit about the people who died there. They were happy to have something to try and use against Clinton. And all their waste of taxpayer dollars for this committee or that hearing produced nothing except—
(2) Email gate. And clearly no evidence of wrong doing has been exposed even as more emails are released for everyone to peruse. Which leaves only—
(3) The only reason we brought any of this stuff up was to damage Clintons’ credibility and trustworthiness with lies and innuendos. And Hannity lauds his success as McCarthy virtually admits to “making shit up for political gain.”
Bigtoe commented on Fox News Has Been Promoting War With Iran For Almost A Decade
2015-09-13 17:17:18 -0400
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And fox’s brain dead viewers have no idea they are members of a cult that has brainwashed them.
Bigtoe commented on Extremist Islamophobe Pamela Geller Likens Herself To Rosa Parks
2015-05-05 23:02:27 -0400
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Gellar is a legend in her own mind. She got what she wanted when those two yahoos tried to shoot up the place. Now she wants to play the victim because they did exactly what she wanted. In her mind the only thing to have made it better would be if someone at the “art contest” had been killed.
Bigtoe commented on Rudy Giuliani Doubles Down On Accusing Obama Of Not Loving America
2015-02-20 23:21:36 -0500
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We shouldn’t be surprised at anything Rudy says given his propensity for over the top rhetoric. He loves himself and has to promote himself in an effort to be relevant. But what I’m waiting for are sane republicans or even the ones running in the primaries to call him on his despicable comments. If they don’t, it will be quite noticeable and will continue to be talked about until they slap him down.