It's just not Islam that, on Fox, is "bashed with impunity." Last week Fox & Friends guest Tea Party dowager Scottie Nell Hughes underscored Fox's reputation as the place where transgender folks can be openly attacked and mocked.
Hughes was Kilmeade's guest for an interview that was part of Fox & Friends patented "Entitlement Nation" series which attacks those (read dark skinned people) who benefit from the social safety net. Kilmeade reported that US Immigration and Customs Enforcement allows transgender immigrants to continue to receive hormone therapy if they had already started the treatment regimen.
After the Entitlement Nation graphic was shown (a map of the US with a grasping hand coming out of red state America) Kilmeade immediately set up the propaganda message about real American's tax dollars being spent on undeserving folks: "From encouraging companies to hiring felons to handing out diapers as rewards for not smoking, BIG GOVERNMENT GIVEAWAYS be a bit of a bizarre thing and almost like a bazaar." The banner underscored the propaganda message: "Outrageous or OK? Which Gov't Giveaways Are Actually Worth It?" (Correct Fox Answer - None)
Kilmeade introduced the topic, "hormone therapy for illegals" and followed this up with the statement that "if they come here illegally, we might as well find out if they want to be a man or a woman and this is where the funding is going to be." The graphic filled the screen with the great big words "OUTRAGEOUS OR OK, HORMONE THERAPY FOR TRANSGENDER ILLEGALS"
Hughes replied “Well, I can guarantee you if Bruce Jenner went down to Cabo this weekend and got arrested, the Mexican government would not pay for his estrogen." Kilmeade agreed with her while the banner upped the outrage level: "On Your Dollar, Transgender Illegals Get Therapy in Detention." The above cited graphic reinforced the outrage with the words "Outrageous" stamped, in red, over the question of whether this is "Outrageous or OK."
Hughes moved in for the coup de grace and the important FOX MESSAGE: “And the only thing I want to do talking about transgender and helping them be a female is given them a pair of [Anti-immgrantAZ sheriff] Joe Arpaio’s pink boxers as we send them back to their country. They just want to raise your taxes to pay for these things, you wonder why the people are angry today." After that bit of not so clever bon mot, Hughes sported her patented great, big shit eating grin.
Kilmeade put a bow on the propaganda package: "It's a lot of money given away on taxpayer's expense where we've tried to get budgets in line it just doesn't seem to make much sense." Hughes complained about "they just want to raise your taxes to pay for these thing, you wonder why the people are angry." Cue another shit eating grin.
Tea stained wretch, radical anti-choice zealot, and gun nut Scottie Nell Hughes and her crazy right wing conspiracy talk are no strangers to Fox News. In 2013, she claimed that evil feminists were behind pressure to demand Roger Goodell's resignation. In 2014, she pimped the popular wing meme that it's not the GOP but feminists who are waging a war on women and that "the sorority house of Hillary Clinton is ready to attack." And, during last week's appearance, she treated us to her less than enlightened views of the transgender community - views that, in keeping hate alive, Brian Kilmeade validated. Nuff said...
Definitely drag-queen worthy but no queen worth her salt would consider wearing that outfit, except in a hipsterish fashion. (Maybe for the “Snatch Game” segment of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”)
Then again, I’d be willing to bet that Scottie Nell’s hatred is because transwomen look better than her without any hormone treatment or makeup.