Fox & Friends isn't the only "happy chat show" that "injects venom" into the media bloodstream." That can also be said about Fox's "The Five," a show which keeps the right wing toxins flowing. The conservative members of the panel, devout Christians all, never waste an opportunity to attack anything and anyone who doesn't follow the gospel according to Roger Ailes. Of all the panelists, Andrea Tantaros seems to be the most effective as she, more than the others, delivers her verbal excrement with a sneering vehemence surpassing that of Michelle Malkin. Her commitment to right wing talking points is shown in her ability to link unrelated issues, such as when she connected the Malaysia Flight 370 to Benghazi. Tuesday, during a discussion about charges that some British hospitals are incinerating fetuses, she bashed Britain's beloved National Health Service which, in right wing circles, is an example of the pitfalls of Obamacare. Got ideology?
The backstory here relates to charges, by British media, that at least two hospitals have been burning miscarried and aborted fetuses along with other rubbish and, in two cases, burnt the remains in incinerators used to heat the hospitals. Following the report, British health minister, Dr. Dan Poulter said that the practice is "totally unacceptable" and directed, Sir Bruce Keough, Medical Director of the NHS, to order hospitals to cremate or bury the remains. At present, Britain does allow fetal remains, less than 24 weeks, to be incinerated but the policy will now be reviewed. So while this is an unsavory story, it's certainly not anything that has ramifications beyond the UK. But not according to Andrea Tantaros who used the issue to make their usual inane points in search of an agenda.
Tantaros said that whether you're pro-choice or pro-life, you will agree that this is a "heinous" story. She launched into her attack on the NHS:
"And this is what happened, I think, when governments like in England take control of the health-care system. They're not interested in the individual or people's feelings. They're interested in the bell curve. Everything for the greater good is put above the needs of the people. And so you have these stories like this woman saying, 'I would like a little more choice.' Isn't that interesting? She doesn't have a choice."
Perhaps if American health care providers were more interested in the "bell curve" and less interested in the profit margin, we wouldn't be lagging behind other countries when it comes to health care costs and outcomes. The Obama administration realized the need for serious health care reform in order to curb costs for both the public and individual consumers. (The greater good) Does Tantaros seriously think that health care providers care about "the needs of the people?"
But hey, who needs context when you're pushing propaganda and when it comes to pushing propaganda, Andrea Tantaros know what Roger likes and how he likes it!!!
What happens in the U.K. is none of The Five’s business.
If The Tortus has issues with what the hospital is doing to the dead fetuses, perhaps she should relocate her fat behind to the U.K. There she can take up the issue.
These cafeteria Catholic frauds are concerned about fetuses, but they are silent as crickets when it comes to pedophile priests in the Catholic church. Many children’s lives have been ruined by these child-molesting priests.
None of these cafeteria Catholic frauds, including those amateur producers, will never discuss the topic of pedophile priests in the Catholic church because they are afraid of the backlash from false prophet, Dolan. A man who is unworthy of any title. He’s not fit as head of garbage collection in New York City.
So, the big problem is the “miscarried and aborted fetuses” were burned with trash? Are these people aware of what happens when a body is cremated? And, sorry, I’m really not seeing the “crime” here. What’s done with diseased body parts after the surgery? I’m not a doctor and don’t work in a hospital, but what do they do with the jaundiced liver from someone who got a liver transplant? When someone has a cancerous tumor removed (not talking about the piece taken for biopsy purposes but the actual mass that’s been determined to be cancerous), what happens to the mass? What freaking difference does it make whether the discards are burned with the used tongue depressors and used surgical gauze or burned separately? And if the discarded body parts are burned with the regular trash, what’s the big deal about aborted fetuses? I can’t imagine any woman who’s just gone through an abortion is going to have any feelings one way or the other about HOW the remains are disposed of.
Now, of course, it’s a completely different thing when we hear or read about a baby that’s been born and then left in a dumpster or trash bin but there’s a BIG difference in the two scenarios.