As was astutely pointed out by blogger Amanda Marcotte, Fox News makes a tidy profit in "keeping their paranoid, gullible, aging white audience in a fit of self-righteous outrage." Much of this paranoia is based on of fear of imaginary hordes of brown people who are streaming over our border and bringing with them their heathen and generally un-American ways. So who better to generate Fox News paranoia based outrage than the xenophobic and generally batshit crazy commentary of Fox's favorite "filmmaker" Dennis Michael Lynch. Yesterday, fresh from declaring that deporting all "illegals" would be just awesome, the hate filled, anti-immigration, pro-Cliven Bundy, presidential candidate, paranoid Lynch was back on Fox & Friends for more batshit crazy commentary about wide open borders, Oh NOOooooo.....
The opening graphic, The Statue of Liberty beside the words "defending the homeland," set the requisite xenophobic tone in framing the message of immigration as an invasion. Tucker Carlson fed the Fox FEAR OF SCARY ILLEGALS meme with his opening statement: "If you think you're safe as a country, think again." He reported that outgoing GOP Sen. Tom Coburn says "there are major problems with the Department of Homeland Security and that's an understatement." Carlson cited two of Coburn's scary claims which also appeared as GREAT BIG GRAPHICS in case you didn't hear him: "700 Miles Southern Border Unsecured" and "3 in 100 Illegals Face Deportation." He promoted more fear with the question of just "how big a threat is this to our country."He tossed to his guest, Dennis Michael Lynch, who knows just how scary this is because he's been to the border and (ahem) "has perspective on this."
As the chyrons framed the scary narrative, "Border Insecurity" and "Border Battle," Lynch was off and running. He claimed that the report "understates" the problem because even in border areas that appear to have high tech resources, there are problems. He LOL "threw up" a photo of a hole in a fence that could be anywhere in the Southwest but, according to Lynch, was right under the eyes of a fancy patrol station in Arizona. He claimed that 48 trucks, filled with marijuana and people, have driven through this hole and were not stopped. (While he spoke, the camera panned out to show Carlson and Lynch sitting in front of a fake fireplace topped with the "Defending the Homeland" image in a CGI TV frame.) As Carlson gushed, "that's unbelievable," the chyron reinforced the message of "A Broken System" and "Deportation Dilemma." Carlson summed it up: "Technology is no guarantee of security."
Immigration expert Lynch smeared DHS head Jeh Johnson who "is doing a terrible job." After he baselessly claimed that "there is no will to stop" the border crossers, Lynch informed us that he is in the process of doing his third nativist piece of crap, "They're Coming to America, 3" which is about how those sneaky terrorist border jumpers are streaming in through Canada. Ramping up the fear factor to code red, Lynch proclaimed that we are "all in grave danger," Carlson kept murmuring agreement as Lynch blathered about how Chinese computer hacking could destroy America. Carlson said "it's shocking."
Be afraid, by very afraid!