Anti-immigration extremist Dennis Michael Lynch took to The Kelly File airwaves last night to announce his 2016 presidential run. Despite airing a video hyping his candidacy, it turns out Lynch hasn’t really decided to run. But, he assured The Kelly File viewers, he most probably will.
We’ve repeatedly reported on Lynch’s wingnuttery. But don’t take our word for it. Check out the hilarious Daily Show interview with Lynch (below) that should have discredited him from any news show ever, much less one whose host claims to be a “straight news anchor.”
But Kelly doesn’t just like Lynch, she frequently presents him as a credible expert.
Before Lynch appeared, Kelly played a video of an unidentified woman, at a red, white and blue-draped podium, announcing Lynch as “the next president of the United States,” followed by an audience rising to its feet with wild cheers of approval.
“How about that?” Kelly said enthusiastically. Without a word about how Lynch staged such a reception.
Lynch told Kelly, “Unless something significantly changes, which I don’t expect will, I will announce in the future that I am going to run for the presidency to protect Americans, their jobs, their health.”
So what was up with the video? Kelly didn’t ask.
The reason Lynch is running, he told us, is “because I am absolutely in love with my country. I’m in love with the American people. I want to protect them like I would protect my children, like I would protect your children in the sense that somebody has to step up and get this country back on track.”
As he spoke, the screen split to show the standing ovation from the questionable video. A url also appeared that was, presumably, Lynch’s presidential website.
“If a guy like me, or specifically me, were in place right now,” Lynch continued, “We wouldn’t have an Ebola scare here on our shores, we wouldn’t have an ISIS scare. I would have been in front of those problems.”
Instead of asking any questions, such as “How?” Kelly looked on with approval, like a proud mother.
Lynch appears to have no political or policy experience. But he went on to say he understands “how to forecast the problems and stop them before they come in.”
Kelly did finally ask how Lynch would do all this “without any infrastructure or, you know, party money behind you?” She seemed to be questioning how he’d run for president, not questioning Lynch's uncanny ability to solve our problems before they happen.
Lynch cited the upstart campaign that unseated Eric Cantor as proof of his ability. Also his own super-sized appeal. “The way it can be done is through my messaging. I have a very powerful message.” he told Kelly, “…Look, you saw the reaction in that video, Megyn. I don’t talk the talk, I walk the walk.”
Or stage it.
Or B.S. it. Lynch continued, “I’m more experienced in the places that we need experience than any other person’s ever mentioned on the GOP side. I’ve hired more people, I’ve created more jobs than Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mr. Carson put together.”
Then Lynch likened himself to Ronald Reagan. "In the same way that Ronald Reagan promised to bring home the hostages? I promise to secure those borders."
The Kelly File put up a poll on Facebook asking people if they’d vote for Lynch for president. So far, the yeses far outnumber the nos.
Watch the Kelly File interview below, then check out The Daily Show. Guess which one is more informative?
This so-called “filmmaker” will never be president. The Elite Washington GOP Power Machine, along with their well-funded co-horts will destroy him early in the election.
His takedown on Cruz, Paul and Carson is just the beginning of what is coming down the pipe line. Grab the popcorn. This is one Lynch film you won’t want to miss.
Get a response from Cruz, Paul and Carson on Lynch’s comments about their lack of experience. Lynch is on record and can’t backtrack his words.