What does Greg Gutfeld have in common with white supremacists? The answer appears to be that both believe that America is in the throes of an epidemic of black on white crime which is being ignored by the mainstream media. But never fear, the fearless and proudly non-politically correct Greg Gutfeld is there to expose this outrage being perpetrated by hordes of black thugs who, according to Gutfeld, are part of a culture which is "corrosive." Earlier this month, he devoted two rants to the imaginary black on white crime wave which, in Gutfeld's mind (such as it is), is motivated by hatred of whites - even though the case he cited could involve mental health issues. But he's not alone. According to the ADL, white supremacists (and Fox News) are pushing the same narrative about black on white crime. What's that saying about great minds running in the same gutter...
Back in August, Gutfeld did a homily about how a brutal school bus beating, perpetrated by black youths on a white kid was really a racist hate crime when it really involved payback for the white kid telling school authorities that the black kids had drugs. The local police asserted that there was no racial motivation. In addition to pushing the race crime meme, Gutfeld excoriated African-American culture as "corrosive."
When an innocent white jogger, Chris Lane, was killed by a shooter in a group consisting of two black youths and a white one, Gutfeld claimed that one of the black kids' tweets indicated that he hated white people. Meanwhile, the local sheriff said there was nothing to suggest that race played a factor. On September 10, Gutfeld ranted about how the fatal beating of a white man, by an African-American who might have serious mental health issue, was really a race crime. He also claimed that the media had ignored the incident even though it was covered by several major websites and NPR. Several days later, he follow this up with another similar rant about how the supposed high rate of black on white crime is being ignored by the media- a claim also made by The American Free Press which is, according to the ADL, an anti-Semitic and conspiracy oriented group headed by a white supremacist.
Gutfeld cited how, earlier in the week, he had discussed "the disgusting (the correct term would be "alleged") murder of a white man by a "racist coward." He mentioned that he asked "if the press would cover this story in the same way that they did for other, race tinged stories." He added that he "should have kept his mouth shut" (ain't that the truth) because the story about "the racist dirtbag" was covered by the NY Times. (On the same day that he claimed there was no mainstream media coverage). He scoffed at the idea that the accused perpetrator had mental health issues: "When a white man acts racist, he obviously racist, but a black racist, mentally ill." He accused the Times of a "double standard." (George Zimmerman had no history of mental illness as does this man) He yelled that the last punch was about race. He then bloviated about a "cowardly culture" that doesn't believe that "Allah Akhbar" is about jihad. After quoting the suspect, he asked why, "when evil speaks, we don't listen." (Uh, doesn't Fox News get great ratings?!)
When Juan Williams noted that the suspect is schizophrenic, Gutfeld screamed "he says he doesn't like white people?" Williams commented that "you'd have to ignore history" to say that there is more black on white crime. Gutfeld responded "lately, what's the biggest, black on black" and asked how the media treats those crimes. Williams wished that more attention was paid to black on black because that is "more of a threat to my daily existence." (Uh, Bill O'Reilly talks about it in order to excoriate the black community). When Kimberly Guilfoyle groused that the media doesn't pay attention to black on white crime, Williams informed her that the "historical record" is "the other way around."
Gutfeld then advanced the lie, beloved in the white supremacist community, that "the ratio is much higher for black on white than white on black." Dana Perino and Eric Bolling didn't want to add anything to the discussion.
The ADL states that "white supremacists believe that any crime committed by an African-American against a white person is motivated by race." Looks like Greg Gutfeld is in not so good company?
From the Bureau of Justice statistics. Looks like white on black is around 5% and black on white is about 8% - hardly a "much higher ratio."
I’ve been in a real slump writing up Fox News- I can still document them all day long, but I can’t write them up, past occasionally long comments. Too much of that “what’s the use?” mentality slipping in. I got something on the burner for work, but no drive to get it done at home.
Anyhow… Carry on.
In other words, white people only have as much hate crime against them as they do because being attacked over the ethnicity of their spouse is lumped into that. And almost all of those attacks are committed by white people who see that as treason against race.
Meanwhile, we also have that White Christians have never committed less than 80% of the total hate crime when you add it all up. Blacks? White Christians commit most of it. Latinos? White Christians commit most of it. Asians? White Christians. Native Americans? Non-white immigrants? Muslims? Jews? Yep.
But yeah- Let’s keep hearing Gutfield’s take on the subject.