Since the Trayvon Martin trial, Fox News has been pushing a racist narrative that portrays whites as the real victims of crimes perpetrated by violent, racist African-Americans. In their search for a white Trayvon Martin, they have been trying to portray any criminal acts, committed by blacks against whites, as hate crimes - even when local police say that there is no racial motivation. In creating a false equivalency between the Martin shooting and crimes against whites, Fox is also able to reinforce its meme about librul media bias by asserting that the media isn't sufficiently covering these incidents. Fox's "The Five," pushed this racist agitprop after a school bus beating of a white child by several black youth. Greg Gutfeld questioned the local police's assertion that this wasn't a hate crime. He used the situation to excoriate the African-American community and advance the racist narrative that blacks are scary, brutish thugs. This week he continued the formulaic Fox narrative of how the press is ignoring the real (black on white) hate crime in America.
In the aftermath of the fatal NY City beating of a white man, by an African-American, the Murdoch owned tabloid, the NY Post, immediately jumped on it with this headline: "Bus Rider's Face Smashed In During 'Hate Attack'." The evidence that the Post had about it being a hate crime were witness claims that the attacker yelled, prior to the attack, that he was going to "f**k up white people." Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters that the hate crimes task force is looking into whether there is evidence to charge the attacker with a hate crime. The race crime bean counters have determined that it is a hate crime and the story went viral. Enter stage right, "The Five," a show on the Murdoch owned Fox News.
The Jesuit educated Gutfeld, a former "lad mag" editor, told the sad story about the victim, Jeffrey Babbitt. In discussing the attack, Gutfeld immediately went to the claim that the accused attacker, Martin Redrick had said that he was going to attack a white person. The "Cavuto Marked" chyron framed the message: "NYC Hate Crime?" Gutfeld then segued into the propaganda about how the media isn't covering the story because it's local. (It was covered by the NY Times, NPR, CBS, and the British Daily Mail) He brayed that this "should be a national story" but "his death isn't fashionable." In drawing a comparison between Babbitt and Martin, Gutfeld said that Babbitt's face would never be seen on a shirt worn by a big star - a reference to the Trayvon Martin shirt worn by Jamie Foxx at the BET awards. Gutfeld said that he would have to do a story on Babbitt every day to "strike a balance."
He bloviated about "evil" and "unforgiving chaos" and how the "pathetic media" won't "condemn" this evil unless it "fits their narrative." He expressed dismay that this hasn't been called a hate crime and didn't mention that the alleged perpetrator might be mentally ill. In a brilliant non-sequitor, the Jesuit educated Eric Bolling said that if "somebody yelled Allah Akhbar and blew away 13 people that would be called a jihadist attack and not workplace violence." (WTF?) Bob Beckel felt that it's "obvious" that this is a hate crime and expressed the hope that Al Sharpton and others would say "this is not acceptable." Andrea Tantaros cited the NY Post about what appeared to be another racial incident. She offered an incoherent quote, from NY police (I can't find the source), who claimed that because of, I assume, the "stop and frisk" court decision, they can no longer stop suspicious people. How this connects to the Babbitt crime was not explained. She added "thanks for that, liberal lunatics." (Uh, Andrea, it was a court decision).
Amazing. Fox News makes up a false narrative, in order to foment racial animosity, and then accuses the librul media of not sufficiently covering it. Goebbels would be so proud. And BTW, what's even more amazing is that Greg Gutfeld is accusing the mainstream media of not being fair & balanced. Oh, the irony!
Greg sickens my stomach and then the palms of my hand start to prickle. Not a pleasant feeling either way.
Ricky is like a child wanting attention at any cost.
Picture of White couple shoulder deep in water dragging bag of food/goods from store.
Title = Survivors!
Picture of Black couple shoulder deep in water dragging bag of food/goods from store.
Title = Looters!
Is there a Bias here?
And if Gutfeld wanted to prove that him and his team never check the sites for stories that get edged out of being on the network by bigger stories, but get heavy rotation there, we can add ABC and NBC to this party. Just google that, I’ll wait.
Since we brought up his education, Gutfeld also went to Berkeley, and people like him are why that place and it’s namesake town have developed a reputation as being “a haven for Fox News liberals.”