It would appear that Fox's Brian Kilmeade, "the dark haired guy who isn't Steve Doocy," has some issues involving Islam. He was quite the standard bearer for Fox News' campaign against the so called "Ground Zero Mosque" and even tweeted about how "outraged" "we" were about this "problem." After the Boston bombing, he recommended that all mosques should be bugged. When Kilmeade said that "all Muslims are terrorists," a comment for which he offered a half-hearted apology, it didn't seem to be just a careless mistake but a sentiment straight from the heart. But who knew that he supports white supremacy? We know now because, as reported on Media Matters, Kilmeade gave a full throated endorsement, during his radio show yesterday, to Stephen Laxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson, head of the white supremacist English Defense League which, like Kilmeade, is anti-Muslim. And that's obviously why Kilmeade told him that "we got your back."
Yes, you read it right. Our very own Brian Kilmeade, American patriot and pro-life Christian, supports a white supremacist group that the ADL says is "marked by violence, with some bordering on full riots resulting in numerous arrests, property damage, and injuries to law enforcement." Much of their violent behavior is directed towards Muslims and other British immigrants - behavior far worse than anything done by "Occupy," a group which Kilmeade has vilified. Robinson, whose career was whitewashed by Bill O'Reilly, has served jailed time for assaulting a policeman and has been involved in violent street brawls - again, the type of behavior, if done by liberals, that Kilmeade would condemn in no uncertain terms. Robinson used a false identity document to enter the US to attend an anti-Muslim event with Islamophobe Pam Geller.
But none of this seemed to be a problem for Kilmeade who told Robinson that it "was great what you're doing" and "We got your back."
So I guess Brian Kilmeade thinks that rioting, done by white supremacists, against Muslims is just fine? Funny, I don't think he would be comfortable if organized thugs were attacking Christians. Talk about palling around with terrorists! But they're white and they hate Muslims so, for Kilmeade, it's all good?
Media Matters has more background on the Kilmeade's the EDL.
This bog’s radio show has a small audience. He’s a lousy host with no intellect. Listening to his show is equivalent of hearing nails scratching a chalkboard.
He is a self-centered, toxic individual who should have been fired years ago, and ex-communicated.