We don’t know if it’s because Sen. Tammy Duckworth is a woman, a Purple Heart recipient, a Democrat, a person of color or all of the above but whatever it is, pampered trust fund baby Tucker Carlson, who never served this country a day in his life and makes millions dividing and hating on it, is obviously very, very threatened.
As I’ve previously reported, elitist Carlson has belittled veteran and double amputee Duckworth as “deeply silly and unimpressive,” before claiming she hates America. He has also called her “a coward” and “a fraud,” which is especially disgusting. Even more so from a guy who pretends to be the “sworn enemy of lying.”
Tonight’s adolescent-like attack from the 51-year-old Carlson was – surprise! – a racial one.
Duckworth’s crime, for Carlson, was her demand, joined by Sen. Mazie Hirono, for more Asian representation in the Biden administration. The situation was resolved yesterday, but apparently Carlson is still smarting. Fox News described his nearly 12-minute diatribe as, “Tucker: Democrats want to deny jobs based on race.”
His concern, as always, was about discrimination against whites. From there, it was a short hop to likening Duckworth to the KKK. For extra malice and divisiveness, he did so by trotting out the old canard about former Sen. Robert Byrd's membership in the KKK. Byrd renounced his membership in the Klan, atoned for it and was mourned by the NAACP when he died. But Carlson used Byrd’s name as part of what I call Tucker Technique 101: accuse others of racism to give himself a pass for racially attacking them.
Media Matters has the transcript (my emphases added):
Byrd was a strident supporter of "equity," or as it was called at the time, Jim Crow. In 1944, at the height of the Second World War, Robert Byrd wrote a letter to Theodore Bilbo, a fellow Democrat who represented Mississippi in the Senate. Byrd was upset that the Roosevelt administration was giving federal jobs to people with the wrong skin color. Robert Byrd was the Tammy Duckworth of his day.
Quote: "I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side," Byrd wrote, amazingly -- "Rather, I should I die a thousand times, and see old glory trampled in the dirt, never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimens from the wilds," end quote.
That's real. Robert Byrd wrote that. At the time he did write it, Byrd was working as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, which was very much the Yale University of the time, the source of so much poison in our society.
You can watch Carlson, who never served this country, racially attack Duckworth yet again, below, from the March 24, 2021 Tucker Carlson Tonight.
I’ll go with “all of the above”.
Seems to me that Carlson is increasingly desperate, flailing wildly about for something that will stick to the wall. Attacking a woman and a Purple Heart recipient awarded for bravery in military action, during which she lost both legs, won’t do much to endear the Suburban woman. Quite the contrary. Keep it coming Tucker, keep digging away at that hole.