Tucker Carlson was ecstatic after one of his favorite racists, Heather Mac Donald, whitesplained to his white nationalist viewers that “good, law-abiding Blacks understand” that the problems with police are only due to a lot of criminal, immoral Blacks.
Mac Donald, taking a break from her complaints about the “scourge of diversity,” pretended tonight that she doesn’t have a deep-seated animosity toward Blacks but is just thinking of their welfare in a way that too many of them are incapable of.
The premise of the discussion was an attack on Colin Kaepernick for wanting to abolish police and prisons. I couldn't tell whether Mac Donald genuinely believes she's not a racist, believes she concealed her racism or if she only wanted enough of a fig leaf to get on the air and dog whistle.
MAC DONALD: We are already abolishing the police, thanks to this phony narrative about police racism and the result is more Black lives being taken. Colin Kaepernick, unfortunately, is completely immune from this anarchy but he should live it for a day and then write his damn manifesto.
Carlson is on quite a kick of deliberately endangering people he doesn’t like of late. Tonight, he suggested, “If Congressional Republicans weren’t so stupid and afraid, they would sponsor legislation tonight banning private security guards for anyone who calls for the abolition of police.” Meaning, of course, "free-speech loving" Carlson wants Kaepernick to lose his security for voicing a desire for alternative systems of justice.
The smug smile on Mac Donald’s face tells you everything you need to know about her phony concern for Black lives.
Mac Donald sneered that any college in an inner city would be inundated with crime if the campus police were abolished.
MAC DONALD: Same thing in the colleges in this country. The students are all engaged in fits of self-righteous protest and mini rioting [Carlson nodded], calling for abolishing campus police. Well, the campuses in inner city neighborhoods, when crime starts going up on those campuses, which it will, we’ll see how fast the colleges turn on a dime because colleges, what they care about most of all is those filthy tuition dollars that they’re extorting from parents who are trying to credentialize their children.
Then Mac Donald got to pretending she understands Black problems better than many of them do – and that the problem is them.
MAC DONALD: Anybody who’s calling for abolish the police, again, is living in a fantasy world and has no understanding and no sympathy for those good, law abiding Blacks who understand that the problem in this country is not white supremacy, it's not the police, it's crime and family breakdown.
Carlson was giddy over that. With a big grin and a voice full of mirth, he asked how she has not been silenced. “It is so great to have you while you can still speak freely. A pleasure, always," he gushed.
You can watch it below, from the October 20, 2020 Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Here's Tucker Carlson's guest Heather Mac Donald ending her segment by praising "those good law-abiding Blacks who understand the problem in this country is not white supremacy, it's not the police, it's crime and family breakdown." pic.twitter.com/9ik7zqZBoT
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) October 21, 2020