Tucker Carlson found a Black woman to help him play the “secret Muslim supporter” card on Joe Biden, without having to say a single racist word about Barack Obama or Kamala Harris. But I’ll bet Carlson’s white nationalist fans heard the dog whistle loud and clear.
The host of a show claiming to be the “sworn enemy of lying" started with a vicious falsehood alleging Biden wants to teach Islam in American schools. Carlson’s so-called evidence was a clip of Biden saying, “I wish we taught more in our schools about the Muslim faith.” Surely Carlson knows that teaching “about the Muslim faith” is not the same as teaching the faith. But he sneered that Biden, “after a lifetime on the left now supports bringing religion back into schools.”
Carlson never told us whether that conversion was due to Biden’s eight-year stint as ("secret Muslim") Obama’s vice president or if his own newly-chosen vice presidential pick, half-Indian Kamala Harris has already brainwashed him.
But Carlson had bigger bigoted fish to fry. And who better to assist than Ayaan Hirsi Ali? He called the Islamophobic former Muslim, “one of our all-time favorite guests” and said, “We are honored to have her tonight.”
Ali wasted little time getting to her analysis of Biden’s remark, which had surely been pre-screened before the show. She later blamed Biden's "Muslim extremism" on his campaign team:
ALI: What he is basically doing from that point onwards is enforcing Sharia Law and it is vigilantism on steroids. It is like, you know, we have seen if you are a Muslim, you grew up within Islam, you're trying to reform it. You're a just a good American Muslim, you are being confronted with a former vice president and I would say a candidate for a major political party who is basically saying let's enforce Sharia Law.
I have absolutely nothing against -- and I am with him on let's fight discrimination. We should not be bullying Muslim children. We shouldn't be doing any of that. He is really good on that, but I don't know who puts these words in his mouth, and I'm alarmed.
Far from challenging such a ridiculous interpretation, Carlson blamed his Christian upbringing for missing such a dire come hither to radical Islam.
CARLSON: So, as a garden-variety Protestant, this went right over my head. I didn't catch any of it. I didn't even notice. Would this be obvious to people who grew up reading the Quran?
ALI: Yes. I watched that video, I mean, all of it. Not just where you stopped, but where I think there is this concept called commanding right and forbidding wrong.
And I absolutely cannot believe that in the year 2020, Joe Biden is commanding right and forbidding wrong. Meaning, he is enforcing Sharia Law.
I understand that Joe Biden doesn't know what he is doing, because -- and I think most Americans don't. But he does have a campaign team. He has a team of people who will say this is what you can say, and here is why. This is what I think is.
Joe Biden should come out and apologize and apologize profusely to the American people, and especially to those American Muslims who have adopted and embraced the foundational principles of America.
In this video, what he has done is he has put himself, at least these people who I think of as the Muslim Brotherhood, radical Islamists, they have him endorsing and enforcing Sharia vigilantism.
But wait, there’s more! Ali went on to suggest that Biden is inviting Muslim terrorism:
ALI: I mean, think about it. You have people who -- Muslims scholars, when they start talking about enforcing Sharia Law, it is "Should we use" when you talk about the hand, is it the sword? Is it firearms? Is it improvised explosive devices?
Think about the two brothers who went and used their mother's pressure cooker to hurt people during the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. That's the kind of thing. And if you don't know what you're talking about, then you shouldn't do it.
Carlson’s only question was whether Biden will apologize for his remark. Not likely, Ali thought, because he’s so desperate for votes:
ALI: He is trying to harvest every single kind of vote he can get, but if he is so desperate as to want the vote of the organized Muslim Brotherhood, then I think we are in big trouble and I don't know if he will do it.
You can watch the poisonous disinformation that Fox passes off as news and analysis below, from the August 11, 2020 Tucker Carlson Tonight.