I'm no fan of Megyn Kelly. But if folks have a gripe with her gotcha debate questions to Donald Trump, they should blame Fox. Because, believe me, her network bosses not only approved of the question, they probably tweaked it.
In case you missed it, Kelly confronted Trump at the debate by noting that he has attacked women he doesn't like by calling them "fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals." She also asked some other tough questions such as, "When did you actually become a Republican?"
But as I've previously noted, these were no rogue questions. They were carefully prepared and even tweaked in advance.
In other words, Kelly was acting not just with Fox News' full support but probably at its behest.
About 5,000 Trump supporters (as I write this) are blaming the messenger. The petition at Change.org is titled, "Prevent Megyn Kelly From Hosting Any Further REPUBLICAN Debates." It reads in part:
(S)he had a clear agenda to attack Donald Trump, by tenaciously clinging to his past rather than his vision for the future. She focused on Trump personally, rather than politically. Ultimately, she did not not live up to the "fair and balanced" slogan at Fox News and News Corporation.
While her disdain for Mr. Trump was evident, this petition is a call for truly fair and balanced coverage of ALL candidates. Thus, Megyn Kelly should be barred from hosting or moderating all future Republican Presidential Debates.
By the way, the petition is addressed to "News Corp." and "Rupert Murdock." Fox News has been owned by 21st Century Fox since its split from News Corp. in 2013. The last name of its executive chairman is spelled with an "h," not a "k."
Graphic of Megyn Kelly by DonkeyHotey
(H/T Mediaite)
Could it be that the Big money, the Elite are moving to the left, and Fox is controlled by big money?
Just asking, seems like the media in general is against what is good for the average working American person. The media seems to favor flooding America with workers, favoring basically open border policies( against the law). Follow the money, who does this help, the Elite, who does it hurt ever other American.
Meanwhile, the first overnight poll by NBC has Trump maintaining his support, Bush and Walker sinking and Rubio gaining nothing at all, despite the incredible number of softball questions the Trio hurled at him.
Fox “News” has created hate and division for years. Now it’s payback time. The shoe is on the other foot. Karma has hit them hard. All of Trumpster’s supporters, and a few internet conservatives have viciously attacked the Foxies and turned against them. Conservatives are now denouncing this fraudulent “news” channel, and its mouthpieces.
For the first time in their miserable lives, Nixon Trainee Ailes, The Shine, and the rest of the amateur suits and mouthpieces are getting what they deserve. Their own viewers are shredding them to pieces. Their ratings could take a hit. We hope it does. Karma.
Your “friends of Fox” have turned against you, but you clowns are too afraid to call them out publicly because you fear further backlash. Can’t blame liberals on this huge take down of Fox “News” Channel. Your conservatives viewers are doing the job for us. Ha!
But this petition makes it a free speech issue. Yes, moderating these debates is a one strike and you’re out kinda deal, we’ve all seen bad moderators get shown the door. But if Fox doesn’t see a problem with what Kelly did- Which given a combination of ratings and that the top offices want Trump out of the race, they won’t- She has every right to do it again, if she feels up to it.
But then again, did you expect better out of Trump supporters? These are the people who say they’re endorsing him entirely because “he speaks his mind,” then try to censor criticism of him. That one meme said it best: Trump is already president of Fox Nation, what makes you think Fox News can stop him?
Just waiting for The Donald to insult some of his supporters because he doesn’t realize some of them fit that particular insulted group.
Answer me this, all you tRumpets: If The Donald is going to be such a whiny little dweeb with Megyn Kelly of all people, how the frack is he going to handle REAL powerhouse opponents, like Russia’s Vlad Putin or China’s Li Keqiang or Germany’s Angela Merkel or the UK’s Gordon Brown or any Arab leader? (We already know how he’s going to handle Israel’s Netanyahu—bend over, grab his ankles and take everything Bibi’s got and then accept whatever terms Bibi demands.)
Seriously, if tRump’s going to get out of sorts with Megyn over a little “tough” questioning, he’s not remotely fit to be President.
You do have to wonder, though, if The Donald didn’t put his foot down his throat with his post-debate comments/tweets about Megyn. He claimed IN THE DEBATE that he’d never said any bad comments about any women other than Rosie O’Donnell. And, immediately after the debate, he comes out making snide sexist comments about Megyn. I just pity whatever person is in charge of handling The Donald’s PR right now. There’s not enough money in the world to make that job worth having.