It’s Sunday morning and we've made it to the end of September. While you brew that second coffee, gentle reader, allow me to regale you with some random clips from this morning’s Fox Nation.
Enemy of the American People. That’s the media, according to Pat Caddell, a “former Democratic pollster and analyst,” speaking at an Accuracy in Media (AIM) conference. “Caddell noted that while First Amendment protections were originally provided to the press so they would protect the liberty and freedom of the public from ‘organized governmental power,’ they had clearly relinquished the role of impartial news providers,” says the post. He’s absolutely right, gentle reader – just look at the kind of stunts Fox News is pulling…oh, Caddell is referring to liberal media? Could have fooled me.
Screaming Eagle of Death Redux. Allen West is God’s gift to liberal bloggers like your humble servant – a source of endless material. This post is a video of the Screaming Eagle speaking at an NRA event. “You Ever Notice That People Never Protest An NRA Event? I think it might have to do with most of ya’ll having one of these (holds up what I presume is a concealed-carry permit). “An armed man is a citizen; a disarmed man is a subject” said West, after reading extensively from the Constitution. And as usual, many Fox Nation readers agree.
Obama Phones. Fox News is glomming onto a story of a federal subsidized cell phone program which, in Ohio anyway, has nearly doubled in size in the past year. The Nation has two posts on the topic this morning: one, a repost from the Dayton Daily News which reports that the program (its real name is Lifeline) now covers more than a million people. Since the program is funded through a small (a dollar or two) charge on phone bills, growth could cost everyone, says the paper, noting also that the FCC has taken steps to crack down on fraud in the program. Advocates for the poor say this growth is to be expected; eligibility is dependent on having a low income and that population is ballooning. Though Lifeline has been in effect since the 80s, Fox delights in hanging the “Obama Phone” name on it as if it were one of the current president’s evil strategies to redistribute stuff, promote dependency, and generally turn us into slaves of the socialist state.
The second post shows both a Fox News article and a video of an Ohio woman loudly praising her free “Obama Phone” - "keep Obama in President, you know - he gave us a phone." Lots of nasty remarks about her from Fox Nation readers:
Todd Starnes Outrage #1,689,233: Pissed-Off. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League and frequent Fox guest, tends to get pissed off a lot. Now, as Fox's ever-vigilant culture warrior Starnes reports, he’s unhappy about being banned from entering the New York City art gallery that’s hosting a display of Andres Serrano’s ‘Piss Christ’ exhibit. Meanwhile, he says, religious groups are blasting President Obama for what they call a double standard because he condemned an anti-Muslim film but not the anti-Christian art exhibit. “It seems like we have a protected class for Muslims as well as some other segments of our population,” Donohue told Fox News. “But when it comes to Christians, it’s an all-out war.”
On that note, I’m off to brew my own second coffee. Have a good Sunday, everyone!
VERY clever of the Republicans to start all these programs that Obama could be blamed for later!