It doesn't take much to get Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, pissed off. He is annoyed by gays, Hollywood Jews, and all those nasty young men who lure saintly, celibate priests down the road to perdition and then have the unmitigated audacity to complain about sexual molestation which, according to blowhard Bill, is all part of the gay agenda. But nothing gets his Irish up more that the "little preppy boys" in the executive suite of the Empire State Building who had the unmitigated audacity to refuse to light up the Empire State Building in honor of Mother Teresa's birthday. Fox provided a pulpit for Bill to preach about that outrage. But despite his Fox promoted petition and street theater outside Satan's headquarters, Ma Teresa didn't get her colors. It gets worse. Now, the same folks are refusing to light up their building for NY Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Donohue and Dolan's personal network, Fox News, share in the "outrage" as evidenced by alleged straight "news" anchor and divorced Catholic Megyn Kelly who provided some warm Catholic fellowship for Donahue's latest in a long litany of rants.
Official "fair & balanced" news anchor, Megyn Kelly began by shouting: "They turned it red to honor the anniversary of Communist in China" (isn't red baiting a bit old school?) As she yelled, the chyron set the official Fox message about the Fox enabled "outrage" with a clever color metaphor under a photo of the Empire State Building: "No Cardinal Red At Empire State Building Sparks Outrage." She continued, "The owners said no to honoring Cardinal Dolan and here they go again." She was on a roll. She shouted, "No to Mother Teresa, no to Cardinal Dolan; but yes to Japan after they beat us in women's soccer."
Donohue (who if dressed in a nun's habit would look just like my eighth grade teacher) understands that because it's a "private building, it's their call." But because, according to Bill, its "iconic status" confers "responsibility," "dissing" Catholics who all love Cardinal Dolan (who if dressed in a nun's habit would look just like my eighth grade teacher) is "bad public relations." He brayed that if Dolan were a mass murderer like Mao he would be honored. He accused the Empire State management of having "an agenda" that "we Catholics" don't like." After Kelly showed a photo of the owner, Anthony Malkin, Donohue attacked him personallywith comments about how Malkin was born "with a silver spoon in his mouth" and some of Bill's pals don't like him because of his "arrogance." (Pot, meet kettle?) He accused Malkin of lying about the building not lighting up for religious figures. He yelled about "their little bully lawyers" who tried to "intimidate him."
Kelly read a policy statement from EmpireState regarding what they will and won't light up for. Included in the approved list is gay marriage which Kelly described as "controversial." (She didn't note that it's now legal in NY). Donohue whined about their recognition of MLK who, according to Donohue, "was a religious figure." (Uh, Billy boy I think his Civil Rights leadership supersede his clergy status.) He whined about how they're going to light up the tower for St. Patrick.s Day. He whined about "sensitivity for all kinds of people" and cited, as examples, the reaction to Roland Martin's tweets and Pat Buchanan "because they don't like what he wrote in a book," Sasha Baron Cohen who want's "to make fun of Arabs" at the Oscars, and what can't be said about Jeremy Lin. Whilehe agrees with some of it, he then whined "there's no sensitivity to Catholics." He cited "Managa"(?), and Anthony Malkin. Kelly looked at him with rapt attention as he whined about how President Obama is being bad to Catholics and as such, "we Catholics are angry." Kelly metaphorically kissed Dolan's ring and his ample posterior with her comment about how Dolan has "done a lot of good for the NY area and it's not just for Catholics." She continued her Catholic cheerleading: "The Catholic Church has done a lot to help the poor, downtrodden and so on so it's not just about being Catholic. It's about honoring somebody who's done a lot of good for this community and beyond who could, they're saying, eventually end up being pope."
So we have yet another blatant promotion of a Catholic Cardinal and a lengthy personal attack on a person (Malkin) who, most likely, won't be offered an opportunity for rebuttal on a show that's officially part of Fox's "fair & balanced" programming. Our father Ailes, who art in Fox News...Give us this day, our daily agitprop and who cares about trespasses.
[email protected] Twitter @megynkelly
(3/29/20 Update: Video is no longer available)