Stacey Dash was asked by Sean Hannity about Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) voting with President Obama 95% of the time and whether that is helpful to minorities. Dash’s answer guaranteed she’ll be invited back on Hannity
Hannity asked, "Has voting with Obama 95% of the time and ObamaCare – has that helped the minority community in Louisiana in your view?
The Bronx-born Dash did nothing to indicate she knows a single thing about Louisiana – or anything else beyond Fox News talking points. “No, not at all.” Dash said quickly, without bothering to offer a single fact in support of her opinion. Instead, she came up with the kind of soundbite that could have been pre-scripted for her by just about any of the other Fox News African American black attackers.
Dash "explained": “Because it still keeps them stuck. They’re getting money for free, they feel worthless, they’re uneducated. I mean, as long as you’re that way, they can keep you under their control. …They (the Democratic Party) have a plantation mentality. As long as I give you this much money, you’ll stay right there. You don’t need to know too much because if you do, you might start thinking for yourself.”
You have to wonder if Dash really came up with this “thought” on her own. Fox News contributor – and hate monger extraordinaire – Allen West famously referred to Democratic black leaders as “overseers of this 21st century plantation” and boasted about himself as a “modern day Harriet Tubman” who would lead people “away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.”
Fox will never care if Dash ever comes up with an original thought or an informative comment. She says just the kinds of things about African Americans they love - and that's all the substance they care about.
Watch the discussion below, from the October 14 Hannity, via Media Matters.
Mad Dash is not the brightest light in the studio. She is one dumb broad. You can figure it out by listening to her.
To call you an actress is a bit of a stretch.
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Donald Trump
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Vincent Curatola
Kevin Sorbo
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Stacey Dash
Another “expert” appears on the network that claims to be against “Hollywood values” . . .