It has now been 1402 days, or three years and 10 months, since Sean Hannity said, on April 22, 2009, he'd undergo waterboarding to prove it's not torture - and do it to raise money for charity. Time to man up, Sean, to borrow one of you favorite phrases, and either fulfill your promise or explain why you haven't.
You may recall that Hannity was confronted about his promise last month by Think Progress blogger Scott Keyes. Not only did Hannity fail to explain why he had not fulfilled his pledge, but was very much not interested in discussing it.
Below is a video (from our friends at Crooks and Liars) showing Hannity's promise to undergo waterboarding - plus Keith Olbermann's offer to add $1,000 to charity for every second Hannity tolerates the process.
You can email Hannity via his website and let him know he may want to forget his promise but we won't!
[Hey, thanks for the dozen eggs, Mr. KKKlannity — the “yolk” will be on YOU!]
He is a kid in an aging man’s body. He’s too afraid to man-up because he’s not a man.
Hannocchio brands himself as a so-called Christian-which we find hard to believe-a family man-that’s a joke-and a man who care’s about the troops-which we doubt due to his refusal to waterboard himself.
The Stop Hannity Express encourages all the masses to call every radio talk show host in America, and tell every man, woman, and child about Hannocchio’s broken promise to our troops.
Remind the masses everyday of Hannocchio’s refusal to waterboard for our troops. Tell military personnel, including active and retired military, and their families.
You can’t force Hugh’s cowardly son to waterboard himself, but you can shame him in America.
You are a sad role model for jr. Merri Jill picked a real loser.