Sarah Palin visited The Kelly File Thursday night where she spewed a meandering load of bile that largely ignored host Megyn Kelly’s questions. But Palin’s hate mongering came through loud and clear, especially the part where she called President Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America” the “enemy of America’s economic freedom.” Then she said, “The enemy of the enemy is my friend.” There was not a word of objection from Kelly.
Palin was there ostensibly to attack discuss President Obama’s comments earlier in the day that the Republican-engineered government shutdown damaged our country’s credibility and our standing in the world. As anyone could have predicted, Palin had nothing to say other than accusations against President Obama. Only she was even more inarticulate than usual.
For example, the former half-term governor blathered as usual about President Obama’s “promise to fundamentally transform America from being a solvent, free, exceptional country into something we’re not going to recognize.” Then, after a brief swipe over Benghazi, she offered her strategic insights into Syria:
And then, of course, there is Syria, where he promised to bomb Syria because in that civil war, Syria was going to bomb Syria, and then we never heard another word again about his threat to bomb in a foreign civil war.
In the first place, President Obama never “promised” to bomb Syria. He threatened to do so. Secondly, while Palin may never have “heard another word,” the rest of us have. For example, just yesterday, Secretary of State John Kerry discussed on NPR the latest developments in the process of removing chemical weapons from Syria as per the U.N. resolution that forestalled our military action. Yet Palin bizarrely suggested that President Obama had somehow failed our country by not bombing Syria.
Kelly’s face was a picture of attentive listening. She made no challenge to any of Palin’s tripe.
But later, after Palin insisted “fiscal conservatives are more energized than ever” after the shutdown ended, Kelly asked if Palin was going to “get behind” any primary challengers to more mainstream Republicans such as Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.
In a word, maybe. Palin said that ‘robust Republican primaries make for a better system” because – get this: “It makes people work harder and expresses articulately what their record is and what their intentions for our country is.” So I guess if you get nutcase losers like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock and Christine O’Donnell, it’s all for the good, eh? But, hey, I’m not complaining.
But then Palin continued:
But Megyn, here’s the deal.
What we’re talking about right now, the enemy of America’s economic freedom is this fundamental transformation of America.
The enemy of the enemy is my friend, is any common sense conservative’s friend.
So we do have to consider a politician’s record, truly what it is that they intend to do to stop this fundamental transformation and this stripping away of our economic freedom, and those who can’t stand strong to defend our republic, to defend our constitution, heck, yeah, they’ve got to be primaried, otherwise we’re going down.
And how did Kelly respond to such near-treasonous remarks? By saying, “Governor Palin, thank you so much for your thoughts on it. We appreciate you being here. Thank you.”
Video below from the October 16, 2013 Kelly File, via Fox News.
These two should check the record, then stop wondering why no one believes them.
A penny is more valuable than this broad’s endorsements of Republican candidates.
The Elite Washington GOP Power Machine says the real enemies of the Republican Party is Princess Sara and The Fool, Ted (Rafael).
Coming down the pipe: The Elite Washington GOP Power Machine will aggressively shake off the Tea Party and their co-horts next year.
Grab the popcorn and watch the show. Trust us, It will be entertaining.
Palin can only aspire to Jethro Bodine-level stupid.
The Republican party is the gift, that seems to keep on giving.