When residents of Arlington, Virginia protest the opening of a gun store in their community, Fox suggests they’re anti-American.
Residents of Arlington, Virginia are – pardon the pun – up in arms against the opening of a gun shop in a strip mall just a few blocks from several elementary schools. An online petition has garnered almost 2,000 signatures after one week.
So, Fox News to the rescue!
Rather than host anyone from the community to discuss its objections, "fair and balanced" Fox & Friends interviewed the gun store owner, only, and offered him friendly air time to explain the other side.
While gun store proprietor James Gates spoke his piece, Fox producers helpfully ran a banner declaring, “GATES: THERE’S NO AMERICAN DREAM IN ARLINGTON.”
Host Clayton Morris never challenged the smear. In fact, he did his part for the cause. After relaying one of the community’s objections, Morris sympathetically provided Gates’ answer for him.
MORRIS: Other members saying, “Look, do they seriously want to be part of this community?” and you have said publicly, “Look we want to be a part of this community, we want to be a strong part of this community,” right?
Gates said he is looking for ways to “give back to the community” to demonstrate his commitment to them. Other than opening his store somewhere else, apparently.
Hey, I have an idea. Why doesn’t Gates open his new store in Morris’ hometown of Maplewood, New Jersey, instead, and really show off that American dream for us? It looks like Maplewood has no gun store – and must be sorely in need of one.
Watch the bias below, from the May 27 Fox & Friends.
All the 2nd says is “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state*, the right to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS shall not be infringed.” Nothing in there saying there’s a right to SELL guns.
*Despite what those “original intent” morons on SCOTUS decided in one of the more recent cases, those words DO still exist and the Founding Fathers’ wishes should be respected. (Yes, yes, I am aware that “original intent” only applies when the particular Justice decides it does; otherwise, his own interpretation is more important.)