Bill O’Reilly played Part 2 of his interview with President Obama tonight. They discussed the Keystone Pipeline and other issues, including an attempt by O’Reilly to lecture Obama about black social issues. Obama deftly turned it aside. But the most interesting moments came when Obama confronted O’Reilly about Fox News’ bias against him.
Yesterday, O’Reilly aired a live interview before the Super Bowl. Tonight, he aired another, recorded part of it.
At 2:42 in the video below, O’Reilly asked Obama, “Do you think I’m being unfair to you?”
Obama replied, “Absolutely. Of course you are, Bill. But I like you anyway, Bill.”
At that point, O’Reilly began to demand that Obama tell him how he’s unfair. And every time Obama started to explain, O’Reilly interrupted. But, finally, Obama said:
Here’s what I would say. I think regardless of whether it’s fair or not, it has made FOX News very successful.
…Here’s what you guys are gonna have to figure out is… what are you gonna do when I’m gone?
As O’Reilly tried to argue that he was just as hard on Presidents Bush and Clinton, Obama zinged, “I’ve been a big money-maker for you.”
I’d say Obama brought his A-game to these two interviews. What do you think?
You can view the full video and transcript on
12/16/2005 The Tony Snow Show on Fox News radio
Talking about the Iraq war, Bill O’Reilly said this: “We went to war on the theoretical idea that we can turn this Country into a democracy.”
I e-mailed O’Reilly for two years asking him to show a “clip” or a “transcript,” before going to war, of the Bush Administration saying that was why we were going to war.
Also, twice during his time on that show he said he doesn’t want to set himself up as a defender of the President or his Administration. I’ll wait while you finish laughing!
On the same show, for some reason, he said “Murtha’s the biggest phony in town.” Murtha was a Congressman who was critical of the reasoning behind the Bush Admin. rush to war. Bill hated the decorated military veteran and mocked him ever chance he had.
1/23/2006 The O’Reilly Factor
Talking to Juan Williams about all the disturbing hate speech aimed at Congressman Murtha, O’Reilly defended himself by saying “…we took on the anti-Murtha crew, on the Radio Factor, and told them to keep it in the debate, and you know, smearing the guy(Murtha) is just hurting yourself.”
The man lacks any self awareness.
5/30/2006 Radio Factor
Bill O’Reilly said this while defending Bush again:
“The Dixie Chicks are idiots, with all due respect.”
Has Bill ever listened to Ted Nugent?
12/11/2006 O’Reilly Factor (2years before election)
O’Reilly said he did research and found that Barrack Obama is the new Howard Dean, because he’s being backed by the far left or committed left.
O’Reilly’s “hard-on” for Obama started a long time ago and continues today.
1/5/2007 Radio Factor
Called Congressman Murtha “the cut-n-run Congressman” twice! I thought he “took on the anti-Murtha crew?”
During the same show, O’Reilly gave Pres. Bush ANOTHER 6 months on his declared deadline of ending the Iraq war. Oddly, he nailed the hypocrisy down by playing a clip of himself(O’Reilly), a year and a half earlier, calling for a deadline of one year! He somehow thought this was proof that he could be critical of the Iraq Policy. How does carrying water for that Admin. make him think he’s being critical?
1/23/2007 Brian and The Judge on Fox New radio
They played a song mocking Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama and then talked about Obama’s time in a madrasa, which had been proven a false charge several days earlier. I can’t imagine why Pres. Obama would think FNC would have it in for him!!!
2/14/2007 Radio Factor
Oh, this is rich!
O’Reilly accused NBC’s David Gregory of being a “lefty” for asking Pres. Bush a “tough question” during an interview with the President. Is O’Reilly accusing someone of not be “fair” while interviewing the President? Irony!
I thought O’Reilly had previously declared(On Good Morning America?) that if they didn’t find any WMD’s, he would apologize and not trust this Admin. again? And today he thinks he was tough on the Bush folks?
Last one…for now.
2/26/2007 Radio Factor-2nd Hour
This might be why delusional Bill doesn’t realize that he is a right-wing nut-job.
O’Reilly claimed that “The far-right doesn’t exist!” “They’ve got no power!” He admitted that was why he goes after the left and not the right!
His delusion and dishonesty know no bounds.
P.S. I could do this for about a month, non-stop!
Joseph West’s below analysis of when BOR starting passing out some criticism of Bush rings a bell with me as that’s when I too noticed BOR’s turn against Bush. BOR isn’t stupid – he watches carefully when the polls turn strongly against the GOP and their stated policy positions. He saw that the folks had turned against Bush/his wars so BOR jumped on that populist bandwagon (much like he has just recently started criticizing the GOP when he noticed that 71% of the folks – including people who make up his viewer base – think minimum wage should be increased).
BOR just called into F&F this morning to talk about his “fairness” with regards to Obama. BOR once again claimed that he was just asking “unanswered” questions. He then went on to complain about how Obama didn’t think the US was handing out freebies (so no doubt we will hear more about that on “The Factor”).
Predictably, the F&F stooges agreed with everything BOR said. Elisabeth made the claim that BOR “united everyone in terms of how they felt about the interview. It was certainly fair, it was tough and you followed up on a number of points with him that Americans deserve answers on.” BOR said he watched his cable competition last night and they didn’t agree with her assessment. BOR sounded a little ticked off that the other cable outlets (and the AP) said that BOR asked questions that the GOP wants answered (while BOR said all Americans want those questions answered and that the other media outlets “will never be honest about it”). Never mind the fact that BOR could have brought up many other questions that liberals would like to have the President answer – but he didn’t. As usual, BOR is refusing to admit that he does his interviews, his show segments, etc. by coming at it from a largely pro-conservative POV. And he dares to say that it’s those OTHER cable outlets who are “not being honest”? Anyway, expect to hear Mr. Thin-Skin to do what he loves to do – go after other media outlets.
He ended his call by saying that “this is a big interview and everyone is talking about it”. Of course, that’s what it’s about for BOR – he needs to have everyone talking about HE is doing. But, at least, BOR did give Obama credit for doing the interview with him.
Btw, with regards to BOR’s beef about disabilities – he keeps saying that “the workplace is safer than it was 20 years ago so what are these people getting paid for”? Yeah, overall, the workplace is safer than it was 20 years ago but does BOR really not realize that many cases of disability have nothing to do with someone actually getting hurt in the workplace?
Obama wasn’t hard him enough on him.
Slanthead may have been “steamed” but probably resigned to reality, as he admitted on his radio cesspool (Mon) that Obama would never, never ever, give him an interview.
The president surely knows how hostile Hannity would be, but also how dumb he is.
Slanthead has never been inside the White House during the five-plus Obama years. He’s never been invited to the WH correspondent’s dinner. He couldn’t even get a ticket to a SOTU speech until he agreed to tag along with a Duck Dynasty racist and homophobe!
But, hey, no problem. As they say, birds of a certain feather…
Strings were pulled to get Billy to interview Obama instead of a certain Iberian-looking mouthpiece who has a bad habit of repeating himself.
We bet Hannochio the RINO was steamed when Billy got the interview.
In fact, as I recall, it wasn’t until public opinion started turning against the war (and Dubya’s favorability ratings started tanking) than O’Reilly finally started becoming “hard” on Dubya—although it was the same kind of “hard” you expect of apologists (that “okay—he screwed up but he had the best intentions blahblahblah” kind of crap).