If you’ve been watching The O’Reilly Factor lately, you know that he has been “questioning” whether we have become a “barbaric” country. In a Talking Points commentary last week, he vowed, “I do not want my country to be a place of barbarism and I will fight against that!” Apparently, O’Reilly’s “solution” is to behave like a bullying dictator, demand that the State of Colorado pass “Jessica’s Law," which imposes mandatory sentences on child molesters, then stalk and harass a gay state representative who opposes the law and, while he's at it, suggest that his opposition is due to his homosexuality. Yeah, that’s showing your compassion and kindness for the kids, alright.
The O'Reilly Factor campaign against Colorado House Speaker Mark Ferrandino (D) began about ten days ago when O'Reilly grandstanded to make it seem as though the safety of all American children were at risk as the result of Colorado’s failure to enact O’Reilly’s Jessica’s Law. O’Reilly wasted little time going after Ferrandino and making unfounded insinuations even then. Asking why Colorado was not going forward with the law, O’Reilly rejected the response of his Republican guest, another Colorado state representative who said, “they’d rather protect the victim than our poor, defenseless children from the predators that are after them.”
Instead, O’Reilly moved right in for the gays-love-perverts jugular:
OK, but there’s gotta be a reason for this. Now, this Fernandino (sic) - I understand that he is, what, the first openly gay House Speaker in Colorado, he was a fervent gay marriage person, he objected when gay marriage was first tabled, because he sent it to the same committee that he sent Jessica’s law to kill it…
So this guy doesn’t want tougher mandatory sentences.
Of course, being gay and a “fervent gay marriage” supporter has nothing to do with Jessica’s Law. O’Reilly, himself, more or less acknowledged that as he vowed to "ask" Ferrandino about his objections despite his refusal to come on The Factor. Veteran O’Reilly watchers will know that was a signal that O’Reilly's stalker ambusher producer Jesse Watters will be on the way to do O’Reilly’s dirty work in the near future. O’Reilly said menacingly, “His life is gonna take a turn for the worse. I’m gonna hold this guy, Ferrandino, personally responsible.”
O’Reilly made good on that promise last night when stalker Watters ambushed Ferrandino and did his best to berate and badger him with questions about cases Ferrandino was not prepared to discuss. From the Fox News transcript:
WATTERS: You’re not protecting the kids from sexual predators in passing Jessica’s Law. Why is that?
FERRANDINO: Well, no DA’s. The DA has actually opposed Jessica’s Law. So have victim rights groups in Colorado. In 2009, the DA has come out in opposition to the bill. They haven’t supported it still. We have very strong laws.
WATTERS: You actually don’t have strong laws because let me give you a few examples. 800 times a guy just sexually assaulted a seventh grader and just got one year of work release. Ok? Another guy.
FERRANDINO: I can’t speak.
WATTERS: Another guy molested—
FERRANDINO: Excuse me.
WATTERS: -- 10 kids at a day care center and only got two years in prison.
FERRANDINO: I don’t know your specific cases you are citing.
WATTERS: Are you ok with those sentences?
As Think Progress reported, "Colorado already has harsh sentencing for sex offenders and nobody — not even the law enforcement community or victims’ advocates groups — supports changing the laws." But New Yorker Bill O’Reilly knows better what’s best for them!
O’Reilly must have had a hard time finding someone to agree with him because the like-minded guest he trotted out to support his Colorado Crusade was none other than Ex-FEMA director, “Heckuva job, Brownie” Michael Brown. Not exactly an icon of compassionate, competent government.
Brown praised Watters’ “great interview” and agreed with O’Reilly that Colorado has been “infected” by guys like Ferrandino. And that they're to blame for not protecting children from molesters.
O’REILLY: He (Ferrandino) put it into a committee that he knew was going to kill it, yet the same guy that you are looking at, he’s with gay marriage, he’s a big gay marriage guy. He’s big marijuana legalizer. There he is.
And when I worked in Colorado more than 30 years ago Jessica’s Law would have passed like that when I was there. It wouldn’t even have been close, alright? But now, as you said, you have this influx of people from the outside who want to impose a secular paradise much like they have in Boulder, Colorado where the university is. And that’s infected the entire state.
BROWN: It has infected - well, actually, let me narrow that down. It’s infected the entire power structure. I think most of the state, if you get outside Denver, the average Coloradan would say this is insane what’s happening. And they would say let’s vote for it.
But the power structure within the front range along the Denver/Boulder axis, that is exactly what’s going on...
Bill O’Reilly: looking out for the folks in Colorado whether they like it or not!
Andrea Makris – paid her off to shut up. Dr. Tiller – mission accomplished. My wife – can’t take the heat. I stand by my manly compassionate record.