Bill O’Reilly does not think New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is responsible for the shooting deaths of two NYPD police officers over the weekend. No, O’Reilly just thinks de Blasio is the “true villain” who should “resign today.” And one of those reasons is that de Blasio was looking out for his son by having ‘The Talk” in the years before he became mayor. This from the guy who keeps lecturing African Americans about having stronger families.
Calling in from his vacation, O’Reilly made a big point of announcing that nobody other than shooter Ismaaiyl Brinsley “has blood on their hands.”
But it’s hard to know why O’Reilly bothered. O’Reilly accurately described Brinsley as a “loser” who “commits crime after crime after crime.” However, O’Reilly wrongly suggested that was de Blasio’s fault. “The system won’t deal with him because people like de Blasio don’t hold him accountable for anything.” O’Reilly charged.
As Huffington Post reported, and O’Reilly should know, most of Brinsley’s known crimes were committed out of New York. “In total, Brinsley was arrested 19 times in Georgia and Ohio, according to the Associated Press,” HuffPo noted. Last I checked Georgia and Ohio were run by Republican governors and legislatures.
Then O’Reilly fear mongered that “people like de Blasio” are enabling more killings. “There are millions of Brinsleys running around – millions – because our society in America does not hold them accountable,” he said.
O’Reilly also accused protesters: “Aiding and abetting Brinsley and other maniacs? Those protesters who yelled, ‘We want dead cops.’ …They aided this.”
That’s funny. O’Reilly argues that cops who kill unarmed citizens are so few as to be of no consequence. But the small number of protesters yelling about dead cops? They're significant accomplices.
“Now let’s go to the true villain in the case,” O’Reilly continued, meaning de Blasio.
This is an individual who should resign today. Today. He cannot run the city. He’s lost the control of the police department and their respect. They will never come back no matter what he says. Because he sided with the protesters. That’s what he did. And he associated with provocateurs and he has disgraced the office of Mayor of New York City. He should resign.
O’Reilly insisted that Brinsley’s race has nothing to do with his crime.
But part of de Blasio’s so-called villainy has a lot to do with his being too pro-black. “Who’s his best friend? Al Sharpton, a racial provocateur, an anti-cop individual’s de Blasio’s best friend. That says it all,” O’Reilly said.
Well, not quite all. O’Reilly took one more racial jab at de Blasio, this time for telling his African American son, “how to take special care in any encounter he has with the police officers who are there to protect him.” O’Reilly sneered, “What kind of responsible father tells that to his son?”
I’d say it’s just the kind of father O’Reilly demands African Americans be more like. Could anything say “out-of-touch, white privilege” more than that gripe?
Watch it below, from the December 22 The O'Reilly Factor.
And of course, Al Sharpton is the source of all evil in the world. That black Milwaukee sheriff has been making the rounds at various Fox shows repeating himself almost word for word (you don’t think maybe he memorized a spiel, do you? Nah.) and blaring that the only way de Blasio can possibly redeem himself is by denouncing Sharpton.
Sigh. I think I could write the Fox scripts myself most days.
“Whatever happened to responsible journalism? "
Here’s the answer: it died on September 4, 1985, i.e. the day Herr Goebbels II (i.e. Rupert Murdoch) became a full-fledged American citizen thanks in large part to the patron saint of the reich-wing, the late Ronald Wilson Reagan. May I respectfully suggest you see the eye-opening and jaw-dropping documentary “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism” which I believe is still available at .
And it goes all the way up to the top. Almost 90% of Republicans in the House, for example, are not just white, but also non-Hispanic, straight, Christian and male-
Only 23% of the population in the country falls in that narrow bucket, but almost 90% of Republicans in the House. Think about how insane that is.
It was just a few months ago that he stated that he wanted to ‘beat up’ de Blasio, wasn’t it?
These miserable cretins at Fox are going to play this for all they attention that they can…no matter how many lives are destroyed by their race-baiting and hatred.
The wedge that they’re driving between law enforcement and the people just cannot have a happy ending. Whatever happened to responsible journalism?
In a nutshell, O’Reilly criticises De Blasio for doing what a father should do while black. But, as De Blasio is white, it’s wrong. O’Reilly definitely lost me there.
There are times when I think the foxies are aliens from another galaxy.
Gee, Bill. Probably any father of any son who happens to be of a somewhat “off-white” skin tone.
Maybe if you did a little less whitesplainin’ and a little more listening to the African-Americans (and other minorities) who deal with cops every day. And I’ve got a feeling if the token “conservatives of color” got pulled over by the cops, their experiences would be much closer to that of Michael Brown and Eric Garner than your experiences have been. (I’d so love to see the likes of Clarence Thomas and Allen West and Ben Carson and Herman Cain and Alveda King having to deal with regular beat cops. Something tells me their cries of “But I’m a conservative and a big supporter of the police” would fall on deaf ears.)