Bill O’Reilly didn’t just agree with Congressman Mo Brooks that there’s a war on white people, he did it by suggesting that black people are undermining and weakening America with their resentment. Of course, there was no thought given to the resentment, racial animosity and divisiveness that are part and parcel of Fox News’ modus operandi.
Predictably, the problem is the left's fault, as O'Reilly laid it out:
Now you got to hand it to the left. They’re creative spinners and they all get the same memo. To them, the country is not really in trouble abroad or economically, it’s just a changing world and O’Reilly is too dim to understand.
Really amazing but that’s what they’re selling. One of the main reasons the USA is in steep decline is resentment towards fellow citizens. Many of us will no longer work together preferring to demonize people with whom we disagree.
Was O’Reilly thinking of Fox News’ bogus birtherism when he talked about demonizing opponents? How it never stops demonizing President Obama? Of course not! O'Reilly played a clip of African American professor Michael Eric Dyson talking about the system protecting “white peoplehood, white property and white privilege.”
O’REILLY: White peoplehood. I love that. When skin color overrides honest debate, everything falls apart. And that’s what’s being sold. How many times have we heard criticisms of President Obama are race-based? How about every day?
And I love how O’Reilly thinks we'll think he has risen above skin color, himself. Because it seems to me that whenever O’Reilly has an African American guest of note, O’Reilly feels the need to condescend and lecture them about the ills of the black community.
O’Reilly played the clip of Republican Brooks saying:
This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party and the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else. It’s a part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued it in 2012 where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s—that’s not true, ok.
O’Reilly wants you to know that he does not think President Obama is playing the race card against whites. No, it's Democratic Congressional leaders Harry Reid and Nancy Pelos doing it - with Obama's blessings!
O’REILLY: Well, Congressman Brooks believes the President is behind the policy. I believe it’s the Democratic leadership in Congress that has designed the divisive strategy—Reid and Pelosi, but no doubt President Obama is allowing the nonsense to flow.
Now, if you can’t defend your record, if the facts stack up against you, deflect—charge into emotional areas to pettifog reality. Simply put, we need to get back on track in this country …and demand—demand that our elected leadership solve problems that threaten our well- being.
Tell you what, Bill. Why don’t you start right there on Fox News? As you like to scold African Americans, clean up your own house before pointing fingers of grievance at others.
Watch the diatribe below.
“Gives the rubes something to get worked up about.
Fear is a much more effective tool for O’Reilly et al than logic and reason.”
Dear Steve: Republicans — especially Herr Goebbels II (i.e. Rupert Murdoch) and his ALWAYS faithful elephant-sized toady Jabba the Ailes (i.e. Roger Ailes, head of Fox Television Stations Group) have known for decades that FEAR SELLS! By any chance, have you seen Robert Greenwald’s eye-opening and jaw-dropping documentary “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War On Journalism” yet? Just FYI, I have this documentary on DVD — I purchased it from .
While he denies the existence of such things as the right-wing’s war on women, he believes there’s a war on whites, a war on the wealthy, a war on Christians/Catholics, a war on Christmas, a war on heterosexual marriage, a war on conservative commentators who make raced-based arguments, etc. Isn’t it convenient how BOR belongs to all these groups who are supposedly under attack? Good gawd, he’s so transparent.
And, exactly, @steve St. John – BOR is a master of projection and spin. He’s built his whole “fair & balanced” career on it. LOL!
Hannocchio knew this vile cretin before he became a household name on Fox “News.”
Sort of brings back memories of another “interesting” individual Hannocchio knew-Second Amendment Leah. Oolala! This woman had the hots for Hannocchio. One time she invited him to a campaign event. She would get people to listen to his amateur radio show. Odd, Hannocchio never mentions her. He’s was do we say this..a hungry young man looking for a meal ticket.
Junior O’Reilly talking about people Demonizing those with whom they disagree?———————-Matthew 7:3-5———-“Why do you look at the speck in your Brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” _