Monday, on Fox & Friends, good Christian country crooner, Larry Gatlin, serenaded a smiling and very leggy Gretchen Carlson and Steve Doocy with his song, "No Star in Bethlehem Tonight." Before he began his "special Christmas performance," he told the Christian/Christmas Curvy Couch Crew that he was inspired to write the song when he and his two year old granddaughter were watching TV "the day the terrorists bombed the little church in Bethlehem where historically says that Christ was born." (Uh, biblically speaking, Larry - not historically.) This "broke" Larry's "heart" and he "did what he always does and "picked up this guitar." Larry does seem to have a problem with history as his inspiration wasn't entirely accurate - but as this is Fox & Friends, who cares about accuracy!
When Larry mentioned a bomb in Bethlehem, I wondered what he was talking about as there hasn't been any recent terrorist activity in this area. I did recall that there had been a dust-up between Palestinian militants and the IDF, in the Church of the Nativity, some years back. And voila, there it was in Wiki - the whole story of the siege of the Church of the Nativity in 2002. During the month long siege (from May to June), there was gunfire. Eventually it was all sorted out. But there was no bombing of the church.
Maybe Larry's memory is a little clouded after all these years; but "the dogs of war" aren't on the loose in the West Bank. There is no "killing and dying" and "blood in the streets" either as this area remains peaceful, albeit tense. Gatlin's hope that if he is invited back to Fox & Friends, next year, he "won't have to sing the song." (Doocy said "no kidding.")The reality is that he didn't need to sing it this year as things seem relatively quiet in "The Holy Land." But his message that the evil Muslim terrorists are still trying to kill the baby Jesus dovetails nicely with the ongoing Fox "News" evil Muslim meme. Is there any question as to why Fox viewers are misinformed!
No- one trick pony. His vocal melodies don’t have much variation, either. I’ll take that complaint elsewhere before I don’t hijack the thread for it.
But one complaint that IS relevant to the segment is that this guy is a world class sh*t talker- he’s not quite at a Ted Nugent level, but he’s up there. He gets a sore throat and it’s “the democrats trying to shut him up for Satan”? During a concert where most of the acts got sick, he decided to pick and choose who God heals, while praying the ones he left out get worse?
His type of “Christian” have their own pit in the eight level of Hell- and I’m sure his fans that are already there are counting down the days until he arrives so they can show their appreciation for his guidance.