Just in time for the midterms, Fox has found a new “migrant caravan” to start fear mongering about, but this time with an added dose of white supremacy "great replacement" theory.
If, like me, your first thought was, “Here we go again,” you are not alone. Media Matters’ Lis Power tweeted my exact thoughts this morning when I saw that Fox News is reprising its migrant caravan hysteria:
"Here we go again"
— Lis Power (@LisPower1) June 6, 2022
Fox News in 2018: A migrant caravan is coming to invade the US
2019: This isn't just a migrant caravan, this is an invasion.
2020: Caravans are coming, and it's going to get worse
2022: No, but we REALLY mean it this time pic.twitter.com/1co0uSiKDG
Fox & Friends acted as though this isn’t the same story the network repackaged for the fifth year in a row, just with different Democrats to blame. The twist this time, though, is that the show used it to promote the white supremacists’ “great replacement theory,” that Democrats want to replace white people with people of color, in order to boost Democrats' political power. It’s a staple of Tucker Carlson’s show, and he uses it to stoke white supremacist violence. It has been explicitly greenlighted by Lachlan Murdoch, despite its use in at least three mass murders.
Cohost Brian Kilmeade got the “great replacement” dog whistle going with the 2022 edition of the migrant caravan fear mongering:
KILMEADE: It's a story that keeps getting worse by the day because an administration not only has a bad illegal immigration policy and border policy, they have a nonexistent one. In fact, you almost have to conclude that they want it to happen. But the worst is yet to come. How do we know? Because there's over 10,000 illegal immigrants set to storm our borders, two-thirds of which are women and children who then become our responsibility to clothe, to feed, to school, and because our system is so broken, because our wall is rotting in the middle of a desert which we already paid for, we seem helpless just to watch it.
Cohost Steve Doocy did his part. “Right now they are massing!” he exclaimed. “They are expecting the numbers to rise to 15,000! They are saying this could be the largest caravan ever.”
Cohost Ainsley Earhardt said, “Here we go again, right?”
So how come their favorite P***y Grabber didn’t bear any responsibility for not stopping this during his tenure in the White House during all the previous migrant caravans Fox has fear mongered about?
I think we all know why.
Kilmeade continued stirring up ethnic hatred despite the fact that it’s been less than a month since the Buffalo massacre, motivated by the great replacement theory:
KILMEADE: And where’s the president? On the beach! … They’re gonna be flooding into school systems near you! … [Schools will] give the special services that you’re paying for on your paycheck-to-paycheck budget that you’re living on right now, has to go to people from other countries who have beaten our immigration system. It’s sickening!
Earhardt added, “And [the migrants] know – Biden’s a year and a half into his presidency. We still have two and a half more years of this and they know that.”
By the way, this probably means the billions of dollars spent on border security by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has been a waste of money but, not surprisingly, nobody brought that up.
Also, this was far from the only Fox fear mongering about the “largest caravan ever” today. I’m sure Tucker Carlson will be using it to beef up his own hate-mongering profits tonight.
Last week, I wrote one of my most disturbing posts ever for Crooks and Liars (where I am a contributor) about how nearly 70% of Republicans believe the great replacement theory. That same poll also suggests that those believers think it’s an inherently liberal evil.
This is at least partly why.
You can watch it below, from the June 6, 2022 Fox & Friends, via Media Matters.
The other part of the stupidity that I ask right-wing family and friends is if this caravan exists don’t you think the Border Patrol could stop them? If not, how about local and state police? Then the National Guard and the entire US military? Of course, if they break through all these lines they better hope they don’t rape and get the women of Texas pregnant because, well…you know.
In any case, isn’t “Kilmeade” an Irish name? Does Brian know that Irish Catholics represented a similar threat for many Americans prior to the second world war?
This was the New York Post front page headline yesterday (I.e. “BEACH BUM!”). Keep in mind: the New York Post is a sister company to FoKKKs Spews Channel (i.e. they are both owned by the MurdoKKKs).