john howard commented on Fox’s Harris Faulkner Gets Testy At Conservative Criticism Of Trump’s Russia Letter
2017-08-02 21:52:15 -0400
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Let’s keep moving because that ship has sail, I am thinking next up is RICO, FAUX NEWS + trump + trump business=corruption(cover up and lies).
john howard commented on Butowsky Won’t Say Why He Approached Seth Rich Family: ‘Someone Told Me Something’
2017-08-02 19:17:16 -0400
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So much BS!!!!!!! This is the America and Americans are not like trump base, they have an IQ large than their shoe size.
john howard commented on Fox’s The Five Didn’t Want To Talk About Trump’s Bad News Tonight
2017-08-02 08:22:26 -0400
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Can any one say RICO!!!!!!! an on going criminal enterprise. FAUX FAKE NEWS+the white house+ the trump business=corruption.
john howard commented on Struggling To Spin Scaramucci Departure, Fox’s Faulkner Makes It About Obama!
2017-08-01 08:00:41 -0400
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is she bleaching her skin????
john howard commented on Cowardly Jason Chaffetz Demanding Others Make Jared Kushner Probe About Benghazi
2017-07-24 18:25:14 -0400
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Boy, when KARMA hit these assholes it is going to be fire works for years.
john howard commented on Fox & Friends Should Not Get Away With Its Refusal To Apologize For Smearing The NY Times As Anti-American
2017-07-24 13:06:44 -0400
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Is anyone surprise!!!!!! we have a president, republicans, and his base who want to give our great nation to Russia, trump has no mandate because he lost the pop. vote by 3 million.
john howard commented on Oops! Trump Lawyer Sekulow And New Comms. Dir. Scaramucci Contradict Each Other On Pardon Talk
2017-07-24 07:32:44 -0400
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I don’t get it, everyone in cable news are falling all over them selves saying what a slick dude this Scarmucci is, I can see how easily the MSM can be fooled because what I see is an idiot who is seem like a throw back to a 60 sitcom and now it has been said he took make have committed a crime by during business with the Russian.
john howard commented on Fox’s Trish Regan Helps Trump Go On Offense Against Mueller’s ‘Witch Hunt’ Russia Investigation
2017-07-22 17:09:23 -0400
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Since these idiots love Russia and putin so much why don’t they move there.
john howard commented on Fox & Friends Joins Trump In Blaming Jeff Sessions And DOJ For Not Telling Trump About Recusal
2017-07-20 14:22:23 -0400
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The Three Idiots!!!!!!(lol)
john howard commented on Fox’s Harris Faulkner On Trump’s Dinner Meeting With Putin: Democrats Are Just Jealous
2017-07-19 18:20:27 -0400
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To each his own, she has said a lot worst about other people, I guess I am not the turn the other cheek type.
john howard commented on Eric Bolling Deflects: We Should Be Blaming Obama For Russiagate
2017-07-17 08:04:10 -0400
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Here is what I don’t understand about the Progressive(which I love) and the Democrats, why are the so worried about trump 36% of his hard core base, do not forget “He said I could shot someone on 5th Ave. and not lose a vote”. that leaves 64% of real Americans, so why not talk about Russia and can talk about what they are going to do to important to them. They can walk and chew gum, so when will the two party start to say let do this.
john howard commented on Busted! Caught Censoring Damaging Comments About Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting
2017-07-15 19:43:51 -0400
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who really look at FAUX FAKE NEWS anymore, I am thinking where are my progressive party(spine) they carry gun so should we and protect our free speech. Is there anyone who love America, beside me and SUPER MAN( RED, WHITE and BLUE. just saying
john howard commented on Watch Trevor Noah Explain Fox News’ ‘Doncathlon’
2017-07-14 08:22:17 -0400
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LOL but also so true, the ship is sinking fast, there are new faces popping up all over the place.
john howard commented on Jesse Watters: Let’s Make People On Food Stamps Build The Border Wall
2017-07-13 17:47:20 -0400
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The ship is sinking fast, and all the ass hole are really afraid because they know this is the end of the line, no one will hire these assw@#p.
john howard commented on Fox Pundits Ridiculously Suggest Trump Jr.'s Russian Meeting Proves He Didn't Collude
2017-07-13 17:42:09 -0400
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Who are these people?
john howard commented on Donald Trump Jr. Running To His Safe Space On Hannity Tonight
2017-07-12 00:36:32 -0400
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We know Hannity hate America, his best friend is a part of the KKK, we also know that Hannity hate people of color even though people of color fought and still fighting for the country we love but not Hannity and his KKK buddy they want America to become Russia Jr.
john howard commented on Trump Falsely Accused Comey Of Breaking The Law Based On Fake News From Fox & Friends
2017-07-11 11:22:32 -0400
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I was listing to cable news last night and heard this story, and I said Mr. Comey was the head of the FBI, he would not make that kind of mistake, he’s to smart, and cable news has been played again by Faux Fake News, they are just as big of a joke as FAUX FAKE NEWS. How hard is it to just to check, do your job no more free ride, we are America, we have problems but we always do the right thing.
john howard commented on Hannity Blames Barack Obama And Blackmail For Donald Trump Jr. Meeting With The Russians
2017-07-11 07:38:26 -0400
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WOW!! Is he for real? we are not his base who has an IQ of 6, he now playing with the big boys(The Progressive Party) Facts matter.
john howard commented on Fox Tries To Help Trump Make Russia Probe About John Podesta
2017-07-10 08:08:47 -0400
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Do these as#ho#es ever look at the tape and see how much of an idiot they are.
john howard commented on Fox Reporter Suggests Trump Jr.’s Meeting With Russian Lawyer Was A Democratic Plot
2017-07-10 07:26:54 -0400
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FAUX FAKE NEWS is becoming a laughing stock of cable news, but there hard core base will believe anything, so they are a lost cause but not others who IQ are above the 10 can now be given facts an at least the will think about it.