As the Trump administration’s Russia bombshells keep dropping, Fox News snowflake Eric Bolling is going to his safe space: blaming Barack Obama.
In his “Wake Up America” commentary Saturday, Bolling overlooked last week’s bombshell, clear evidence of collusion between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian government, and acted as though the whole Russia investigation was only about that country’s meddling into our election.
BOLLING: We have a conspiracy between the left and the media going on. They’ve been looking for a new boogeyman, and they just found it. It’s Russia. Since the loss of their dear leader, Hillary Clinton, Democrats have been the epitome of sore losers. Make no mistake: If Russia interfered in our elections, there was only one person to blame, and that is Barack Obama, who was in charge of protecting the integrity of our federal election system. Why is no one looking into what he did to protect the ballot box? Democrats need to wake up and realize that from Wisconsin to Kentucky, and from Michigan to Pennsylvania, people voted for Donald Trump because he promised jobs, security, and a willingness to drain the swamp.
After calling the Democrats “lost” and “losers,” Bolling demanded, “We must unite behind our president.” As if Bolling was such a uniter when Obama was president.
Also, a simple Google search would have shown Bolling that plenty have already looked into what Obama did in response to the Russian hacking. And the Republican obstructionism that resulted.
But Donald Trump is in the Oval Office now. What has he done to prevent it from happening again? Other than his ridiculous suggestion (later walked back) that the U.S. should work together with Russia on cybersecurity, Trump has done almost nothing.
But you can count on Bolling blaming Obama for any further Russian interference in our election right up until another Democrat takes over the Oval Office.
Watch the deflection below, from the July 15, 2017 Cashin’ In.
They probably don’t even realise that they’re lying. Anything said by the Dear Leader simply cannot be a lie.
“It’s true that Trump squeaked by in the swing states……”
With help from Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein. They both took enough votes from Clinton to push the following states into Twitler’s column: FL, PA, MI, WI, and AZ — these states total 86 electoral votes. I wonder when “Goebbels” Murdoch will offer the following to Johnson and Stein as a reward for helping his man Adolf Twitler get into the White House?
1. Their own show on Faux Spews Channel
2. A VERY LUCRATIVE book deal (i.e. one with a mid to high seven figure advance) — Ralph Nader got this when his book “The Good Fight” was published by Murdoch-owned HarperCollins in the summer of 2004.
Bolling was supposed to get his own show during this time slot. For some reason, Fox decided to add the two young, female, diverse cohosts.
Trump supporters six months ago: “There were no meetings with any Russians.”
Trump supporters three months ago: “They just forgot to report the meetings with Russians.”
Trump supporters last week: “There’s no evidence of collusion with Russia!!”
Trump supporters three days ago: “Who cares if the Trump campaign colluded with Russia?”
Trump supporters yesterday: “It’s Obama’s fault for not stopping the meetings with Russians.”
Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow today: “It’s the Secret Service’s fault for not stopping the meeting with Russians.”
Trump supporters tomorrow: “Трамп собирается сделать Россию великой снова!”
News flash for Bolling: President Obama did not cause this meeting to occur. The evidence shows that the Trump campaign enthusiastically attended it to hear any dirt they could get on Clinton.
Bolling is trying to push the discredited notion that somehow reporting the truth about the corruption of the Trump group is a sign of “collusion” between “The Left” and “The Media”. He apparently doesn’t know what actual Left Wing media is, since we’ve never seen him actually talk to anyone from the Left, such as Amy Goodman, Dean Baker, Larry Bensky or Sonali Kolhatkar. He’s also neatly reversing the facts. It’s not that there’s some conspiracy in the mainstream media to invent the fumbling we’ve seen from the Pence White House – it’s that the Right Wing is desperately trying to distract everyone from the coverage of what has actually been happening. And in the forefront of this panic at the media are Right Wing outlets like Fox News and AM Radio.
Interesting to hear a lecture about “sore losers” from a man who bristled at both Obama victories in 2008 and 2012, and who repeatedly did anything he could to undermine that presidency for the entire 8 years.
Also interesting to hear how Hillary Clinton “overwhelmingly lost” the election, when she in fact won the popular vote by 3 million votes. It’s true that Trump squeaked by in the swing states, and it’s true that several million Obama voters in those states chose to stay home rather than vote, but there has been no real mandate for the Pence White House, which continues to be historically unpopular and which refuses to do anything to reach out to the rest of the country.
When the history is written about this particular epoch, it will be quite harsh about the behavior of the Pence White House and even harsher about the behavior of its lackies in the Right Wing media, even the lower-level ones like Bolling.