Don’t forget this is the same Eric Bolling who last week attacked colleague Bob Beckel for not being respectful enough to hate monger Allen West because Beckel refused to call him “Representative” or “Lieutenant Colonel.” Proof – again – that no smear is too low on Fox News so long as it’s a Republican doing the smearing and a Democrat and/or liberal on the receiving end. And why didn’t Beckel confront this disgusting, hypocritical smear with outrage?
Video via Media Matters.
(Update: Video no longer available)
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Aria Prescott commented
2012-02-08 00:43:46 -0500
· Flag
If you didn’t count people who are only watching to record Bolling’s latest -stunt- opinion, you might be right.
I’ve only seen 5 people who genuinely like it, three guesses on what cut-rate “public defender” they all rally around…
I’ve only seen 5 people who genuinely like it, three guesses on what cut-rate “public defender” they all rally around…
Aria Prescott commented
2012-02-07 21:37:20 -0500
· Flag
I think the best Bolling can do is realize that he’s nothing but a third-rate clone of Glenn Beck. The hatemongers think he’s a poseur, the anarchists think he’s a wimp, and everyone else thinks he’s just an asshole.
The second he’s old, “The Five” is done. Their ratings drop like a stone when he’s out of dick moves. At least he can claim he’s like Beck that way…
The second he’s old, “The Five” is done. Their ratings drop like a stone when he’s out of dick moves. At least he can claim he’s like Beck that way…
Kent Brockman commented
2012-02-07 18:44:22 -0500
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Fux Nuze Hate Zone Sez
Wake Up America! You don’t Hate Libruls near as much as you could!!!
Wake Up America! You don’t Hate Libruls near as much as you could!!!
about Eric Bolling And Fox Newsies Joke About Obama As A Drug Dealer, “Barry’s Pot And Coke Emporium”
on NewsHounds' Facebook page
2012-02-07 18:13:50 -0500
Why wasn't Beckel outraged at such disgusting hypocrisy?